
Why was the Bible originally written in Latin?

Why was the Bible originally written in Latin?

A restricted Bible: 8th – 14th century AD The intention of St Jerome, translating into Latin the Hebrew of the Old Testament and the Greek of the New Testament, was that ordinary Christians of the Roman empire should be able to read the word of God.

Why is Latin considered a holy language?

Latin is a human language. When the Roman Empire split, Greek was no longer spoken in the West. Therefore a Latin translation was required. Having the Bible in Latin allowed the Catholic Church to control what was taught to the people as the common person didn’t understand Latin.

Why is the Bible in Latin?

The Latin translation of the Bible written by St. Jerome, who was asked by Pope Damasus in 382 A.D. to bring order out of the proliferation of Old Latin versions which were in circulation. His translation became the standard Latin version of the Bible for the Western Latin-speaking Church.

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When did Latin become the language of the church?

fourth century
Christians living in Rome adopted Latin and it became the Church’s language in the fourth century. Saint Jerome translated the Bible into Latin, an edition called the Vulgate, because he used the common (or “vulgar”) Latin language.

Who wrote the Bible in Latin?

In 382 Pope Damasus commissioned Jerome, the leading biblical scholar of his day, to produce an acceptable Latin version of the Bible from the various translations then being used.

Is Hebrew a holy language?

Hebrew is commonly considered to be a holy language (lashon hakodesh) – many ultra-orthodox will only use it for prayer. 2. Hebrew was originally a biblical language and after 2000 years was revived. It is now spoken as a modern language by over 9 million people.

What is the original language of the Bible?

Biblical HebrewBiblical Aramaic
The Bible/Original languages
Scholars generally recognize three languages as original biblical languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek.

Why is Latin still used in church?

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The use of Latin in the Church started in the late fourth century with the split of the Roman Empire after Emperor Theodosius in 395. Before this split, Greek was the primary language of the Church as well as the language of the eastern half of the Roman Empire.

When did the Catholic Church switch from Latin?

The first vernacular Masses were read in Irish Catholic churches on March 7th, 1965, bringing to an end the widespread tradition of the Latin Tridentine Mass, which had lasted since 1570 and which was the most widely celebrated Mass liturgy in the world.

Is Latin a holy language?

Ecclesiastical Latin is the liturgical language of the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church. It is based on the Italian pronunciation. It is also the official language of the Holy See. Old Latin was used in various prayers in Roman paganism, such as the Carmen Arvale and Carmen Saliare.

The Bible was not originally written in Latin. The Hebrew Bible, or Christian Old Testament, was originally written mostly in Biblical Hebrew, but some portions of some of the later books are written in Aramaic.

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How was the Bible translated into other languages?

With the passage of time, the Bible was translated into other languages that people spoke. One of the oldest translations is the Septuegent (LXX) which is a translation of the OT into Greek. In time the Biblee was translated into Latin as Catholic priests could read Latin.

What were the original languages of the old and New Testament?

The original languages are Hebrew and Aramaic for Old Testament (Tanakh for Jewish Quorans) and Koine Greek for New Testament and the Apocrypha. Bible was translated in Latin so that Christians in the Roman Empire could understand it. The most famous Latin translation is Versio Vulgata by St. Hieronymus.

Why is Latin the official language of the Catholic Church?

WHY LATIN IS THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF THE CHURCH THE official language of our Church is Latin. It is used in our services in the greater part of the world. It is employed in nearly all the business correspondence of the Holy See.