
How much money is required for MS in USA?

How much money is required for MS in USA?


Factors/Parameter Amount in USD Amount in INR
Airfares (one-way) $675 ₹50,000
Tuition Fee $40,000 ₹29,60,000
Living Expenses $15,000 ₹11,10,000
TOTAL EXPENSES $58,000 ₹42,92,000

What is the cost of MS in USA?

The average cost of living for an individual is between $600 to $1200 per month. Hence, the average cost of accommodation for a two years master’s program will be $15,000….MS In US Cost: Total Expenses For Masters In US.

University Name Course Name Average Cost (1year)
Harvard University, USA Master of Science in Data Science $73,474.5

Is MS in Computer Science a good option for Indian students?

As more an more international and Indian students get attracted to MS in Computer Science degrees in the Mecca of technology (USA), the amount of curiosity also increases. We wrote this post on what’s better after engineering – MS or MBA addressing a few aspects.

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Which University is best for studying MS in Computer Science from USA?

Which University is best for studying for a MS in computer science from USA? Ans. Some of the best universities providing Masters in Computer Science are MIT, Stanford University, University of California, Berkeley and Harvard University.

What are the top 10 universities in the world for MS?

MIT ranks #1 globally followed by Stanford, Harvard, Caltech, and the University of Chicago among the top 10 universities in the world. A list of the top 25 universities in the US along with their acceptance rates for MS courses are as follows:

What is the best option for an Indian ECE student?

Unless otherwise you hate networks, Cryptography & Algorithms MSCS/CE is a very good option. MSEE / MSCS is a fairly good option for an Indian ECE Student. Try to secure good GRE & IELTS / TOEFL scores -> decent scores will get you a seat, but good scores will earn you sch