
Why does my lower left abdomen hurt when I dance?

Why does my lower left abdomen hurt when I dance?

The most common theory is that the increased blood flow in the liver and spleen during intense cardio movement causes the pain on the sides of the abdomen. Another theory suggests that pain is caused by internal organs while pulling down the diaphragm.

What causes pain in the left side of your stomach after dancing or running?

“It’s really just a muscle cramp,” said Josh Laudig, CSCS, NSCA-CPT, fitness coordinator at the Texas A&M Coastal Bend Health Education Center. “The smaller muscles around your ribs expand and constrict during your workout, and they could eventually cramp and cause side stiches.”

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Why does my left side of my stomach hurt when I run?

When running, there is increased abdominal pressure pushing up on the diaphragm. At the same time, rapid breathing can cause the lungs to press down on the diaphragm, a muscle that if “pinched” from above and below, gets less blood flow and spasms, resulting in painful side stitches.

What causes lower abdominal pain while running?

Cramps, nausea, and stitches in your abdomen during running can be the result of improper hydration. Hydration before and during a long run is important, but figuring it out can be tricky. Drinking too much water could make cramps and digestive irritation worse.

What is the pain you get in your side when running?

A side stitch, also known as exercise-related transient abdominal pain (ETAP), is a pain felt on either side of your abdomen. It’s more commonly reported on the right side. Symptoms may range from cramping or a dull ache to a pulling sensation or a sharp, stabbing pain.

Can your stomach muscles hurt from running?

Why does the side of my stomach hurt when I exercise?

This connective tissue also is attached to your diaphragm, which helps with breathing. This pain is usually on the right side and just under the ribs. Exercise like horseback riding, running and sit-ups are common causes of the side stitch. You shouldn’t drink large amounts of water or eat 2-4 hours before exercise.

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What causes pain in the left side?

Some common causes of pain on the left side of the body include infection and injury to internal organs, muscles, or nerves. In some cases, this pain resolves on its own. However, other cases may require immediate medical intervention.

How do I stop my lower stomach from hurting when I run?

If you get a side or stomach cramp while running, Galloway recommends slowing down to a walk. “Do the lower lung breathing while walking, maybe [for 2-4] minutes. That can bring it around,” he says. For stomach cramps, “often a burp or passing of gas will get rid of the cramp.”

What causes pain in the lower left abdomen after a workout?

If you only feel this pain while working out, it is probably nothing more than a side stitch or side ache. But, according to, other causes of pain in the lower left abdominal area include appendicitis, cancer, endometriosis, injury, intestinal obstruction,…

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How can I Stop my stomach from hurting when I run?

Adjust your breathing pattern. For example, if the pain is on your left side, try to exhale when your right leg hits the ground. When you’re not running, practice belly breathing, strengthen your abdominal muscles and do stretches to improve your posture.

What are the causes of upper abdominal pain after running?

Running and Severe Upper Abdominal Pain 1 The Side Stitch. A side stitch is a sharp, jabbing pain that often occurs during exercise, particularly for runners and swimmers. 2 Acid Reflux. Almost everyone experiences acid reflux at one time or another. 3 Other Possibilties.

How to get rid of stitches in the stomach after running?

When the stitch occurs, slowing your pace may help cause it to pass. You also may find that avoiding carbonated drinks can diminish the problem. Whatever’s causing the pain, it usually subsidize a short time after you stop running. Simply massaging the painful area may bring relief.