
Did anyone else ever try to get put back in diapers?

Did anyone else ever try to get put back in diapers?

Anyone else ever tried to get put back in diapers. If you mean to have my parents put me in diapers no although I do have a memory of being caught wearing one of my brothers diapers I must have been about 4 or so.

When was the last time your parents were involved in your diapering?

The absolute last time my parents were involved in my diapering was when I was 16, this one was a totally self induced punishment. I drove 2 towns over and picked up a whole case of pastic Luvs size 6 with Barney on them. Made it all of 2 days before my mom found the open box with diapers missing.

Is the book diapers based on a true story?

Authors note: This is a true story to the best of my ability to recall events from my early childhood. The first two chapters told of the day my mother put me back in diapers. What follows is my recollection of events that took place during the time I remained in diapers – until it was time for me to start school.

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Were You forced to wear diapers after your initial potty training?

The simple answer to your question is yes; I have, in fact been forced to wear diapers after my initial potty-training. It’s quite a long story, as it is directly related to why I feel the way I do today about needing adult diapers.

Does anyone have experience with being in diapers in the hospital?

So far I have no experience with being in diapers in the hospital medically. Only psychiatric when the bipolar gets out of wack. And in there, the staff are more than happy to let you change yourself.

Do you wear a diaper when you go to bed?

Yes. When I was about 6 I wet the bed and my grandma made me wear a diaper to bed after that (I live with my grandparents) and that is the same today. I’m in my 20s now and have always worn a diaper to bed.

Why do doctors change your diaper so often after surgery?

But still, pretty cool. One of the reasons they may insist on changing you is for the I/O’s. Especially after surgery they need to know how much your taking in, and peeing/pooping out. So with changing you, they can then take the diaper and weigh it to verify how many ounces you wet, or the volume you messed.