
Why do teens like to drive?

Why do teens like to drive?

Getting a driver’s license is a huge stepping stone in your teen’s life as well as your’s and along with it comes a load of emotions and extra worries on parents’ end. When teens start to drive, it makes them feel more grown up and it may just make them feel “cool.”

What emotion occurs most in drivers?

ANGER! Anger occurs more often to drivers than any other emotion.

How can sadness affect your driving?

In the Easy Difficulty Level, both anger and sadness showed significantly more risky driving behaviors than neutral. Likewise, in the Medium Difficulty Level, both anger and sadness showed significantly more risky driving behaviors than neutral.

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Are teen drivers more likely to drive with or without peers?

In a study analyzed by NHTSA, teen drivers were two-and-a-half times more likely to engage in one or more potentially risky behaviors when driving with one teenage peer, compared to when driving alone.

How can I influence my teen to take driver’s education?

Remember that driver’s education should be used as just part of a GDL system. You have more influence on your teen than you may think. Be a good example and get involved in their driving habits from the beginning, and stay involved for the duration of their teen years.

Why do teen drivers have a higher rate of fatal crashes?

Teen drivers have a higher rate of fatal crashes, mainly because of their immaturity, lack of skills, and lack of experience. They speed, they make mistakes, and they get distracted easily – especially if their friends are in the car.

How can we prevent teen drivers from texting and driving?

Be a good example and get involved in their driving habits from the beginning, and stay involved for the duration of their teen years. Teens’ inexperience behind the wheel makes them more susceptible to distraction behind the wheel. One in three teens who text say they have done so while driving.