
What does it mean when someone sends you a friend request on Facebook?

What does it mean when someone sends you a friend request on Facebook?

When you find someone on Facebook you’d like to add as a friend, doing so is a pretty simple task. After you send your request, a friend request is posted to the recipient’s Facebook notifications. Your prospective new friend also receives an e-mail notice with an easy link that he or she can click to respond.

What happens when you accept a friend request on Facebook?

Upon the victim accepting the friend request, they are sent messages from the scammer who is attempting to strike a romantic relationship online with the ultimate goal of gaining the trust of the victim. Once that trust has been established, the scammer will use one of a number of techniques to attempt to extort money from the victim.

What is the Red number on my facebook friend list?

A portion of these scams are initiated via a simple friend request. You login, and that red number appears over your Contacts icon at the top of your newsfeed. Of course it could be a legitimate request from someone you know wanting to be a Facebook friend.

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Is it possible to get scammed through Facebook friend requests?

There is no such thing as magical hackers that can do anything they please by merely being accepted as a friend on Facebook. Friend requests can initiate a scam but they still require the victim to take further actions, such as giving away too much information, or by visiting a dangerous website.

What’s wrong with being a friend on Facebook?

Perhaps by friending them on Facebook you may discover you do not like them after all. Or perhaps it may develop into something more. The point is there is nothing wrong with being their friend on a social media account. It is a social media place, it is cyberspace. There is no actual face-to-face communicating (unless you have Skype and a webcam).