
Who can use the negative Speed Force?

Who can use the negative Speed Force?

In the DC comics, the Negative Speed Force was created by Eobard Thawne when he got his powers and he used it to leech off of the Flash’s power throughout history. In one version of the comics, Barry Allen gained access to Negative Speed Force, becoming known as the “Negative Flash”.

Does Barry create an artificial Speed Force?

The Flash’s Artificial Speed Force is finally fixed as Barry Allen’s retooled power source is now based in a season 4 development featuring Iris West. Without the powerful energy source, Barry and the team decided to pursue creating their own artificial version of the Speed Force.

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Is the negative Speed Force stronger?

The protective aura manifested by the Negative Speed Force also is far more destructive than the normal Speed Force’s aura. It can cause objects such as bullets to incinerate before they can hit the speedster. The aura also builds up every time the speedster is dealt damage and will eventually release an explosion.

Who Wally West parents?

Wally’s father, Rudolph West (a Manhunter agent), was presumed deceased following an explosion in Cuba during the Invasion series. He reappeared years later at, among other places, his ex-wife Mary West’s (Wally’s mother) second wedding.

Is Negative Flash Barry Allen?

Barry Allen Negative Flash is a term used for speedsters whose powers come from the Negative Speed Force. The original Negative Flash was Barry Allen, who gained a connection to the Negative Speed Force after being trapped in the Negative Speed Force for a time by his arch-enemy the Reverse-Flash.

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What does the negative Speed Force do in the Flash?

Zoom has also been known to use the negative Speed Force to absorb the memories of other speedsters. Finally, the energy stolen by the negative Speed Force can find a host and create new adversaries for The Flash and other speedsters. This step seems to be the final balancing between forces.

Why does Reverse Flash hate speedsters so much?

If speedsters are connected with the Negative Speed Force for an extended period of time, it begins corrupting them, filling them with anger and hate. After Eobard Thawne discovered that his destiny was to become the exact opposite of the Flash, he attempted to prove his superiority as the Reverse-Flash.

Who is the most dangerous speedster in the Flash?

Reverse-Flash Eobard Thawne is the most dangerous super-speedster of all, born in the 22nd century and obsessed with the Flash. He successfully recreated the accident that gave Barry Allen his powers, and became a speedster himself. Thawne became the Reverse-Flash, and he learned to tap into a new power called the Negative Speed Force.

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Can the negative Speed Force call forth other speedsters?

Just as Barry and the Speed Force have called forth other speedsters in time of need, gifting them with its power, the Negative Speed Force can do the same. We all know different speedsters have different powers. Some speedsters are faster than others. Some speedsters don’t even get their powers from the Speed Force.