
What is the name of Mars Spear?

What is the name of Mars Spear?

Mars (mythology)

Symbol The spear of Mars ♂ (Spear and shield iconography)
Day Tuesday (dies Martis)
Personal information
Parents Jupiter and Juno

What was Mars god of?

Mars, ancient Roman deity, in importance second only to Jupiter. It is clear that by historical times he had developed into a god of war; in Roman literature he was protector of Rome, a nation proud in war.

What animal represents Mars?

MARS. MARS, MARTE. Mars, son of Jupiter and Juno, was the most important god in the Roman pantheon because he was father of Romulus, Rome’s founder. As the god of war, red, the color of blood, was his color, and the wolf, the symbol of Rome, his animal.

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What god is Mars named after?

Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. Befitting the Red Planet’s bloody color, the Romans named it after their god of war. In truth, the Romans copied the ancient Greeks, who also named the planet after their god of war, Ares.

Where are the spears of Mars?

It is also purported that the spear is kept within the secure confines of the Vatican. The spear was said to move, tremble or vibrate at impending war or other danger to the state, as was reported to occur before the assassination of Julius Caesar.

What powers did Mars have?

Powers and Abilities

  • Immortality.
  • Agricultural Inuition.
  • Divine Weaponry (spear/sword/shield) Shield Proficiency. Spear Proficiency. Swordsmanship.
  • Fertility Manipulation (limited)
  • Guardianship (of Rome)
  • Life-Force Manipulation.
  • Plant Manipulation. Plant Growth.
  • Sacrificial Power (usually the sacrifice of enemy’s weapon)

Which finger represents Mars?

EVERY finger in your hand is connected to a planet. The thumb is connected to Mars. Mars stays alone. Index finger is connected to Jupiter (Jupiter shows the path, it is the teacher).

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How do you use the Spear of Mars?

The Spear of Mars can be thrown at long range, piercing enemies to push them back, and stunning them upon contact with trees or terrain. Mars’ most potent ability creates an Arena Of Blood, a circular zone where no enemy can exit or enter, as well as blocking enemy attacks from the outside.

How fast does the spear travel?

The spear travels at a speed of 1400, taking 0.64/0.71/0.79/0.86 seconds to reach maximum distance. The spear starts traveling exactly on Mars’ location, and travels forward up to 900/1000/1100/1200 range. Although within the spear’s search radius, it does not hit enemies behind Mars upon cast.

How much damage does Spear of Mars do?

Spear of Mars impales up to two units and leaves a fire trail behind for 10 seconds. Deals 35 damage per second and slows by 20\%. Debuff lingers for 2 seconds. modifier_projectile_vision: Undispellable. Persists death.

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What did Mars do?

Mars, first son of heaven, spent a long existence waging endless war, and saw countless more crusades waged beneath the banner of his old name. Wars of conquest and of vengeance. Just and unjust…