
What happened to the Watcher in the Water?

What happened to the Watcher in the Water?

It grasped Frodo by the foot and attempted to drag him into the water. Silently Gandalf noted that it seized Frodo (as the Ring-bearer) first suggesting an influence by the One Ring. It is unknown what happened to the Watcher in the following centuries, but the Dwarves succeeded in retaking Moria in the Fourth Age.

Was Gandalf a good fighter?

Yes, he was able to fight in battles and dual wield, but this was just because he was able to do a lot of things. A bard is a jack of all trades, after all. That’s also why he knows some low level magic.

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Is there a Kraken in Lord of the Rings?

The Watcher in the Water is a fictional creature in J. R. R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth; it appears in The Fellowship of the Ring, the first volume of The Lord of the Rings….

Watcher in the Water
Tolkien character
Book illustration by John Howe
In-universe information
Race Unknown

Who is the best warrior in LOTR?

Húrin is a fictional character in the Middle-earth legendarium of J. R. R. Tolkien. He is introduced in The Silmarillion as a hero of Men during the First Age, said to be the greatest warrior of both the Edain and all the other Men in Middle-earth.

Who disturbed the Watcher in The Lord of the Rings?

In the movie, the Watcher is disturbed by Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took, who threw rocks in the water to pass the time while Gandalf tries to figure out the password to gain entrance to Moria. (This differs from the novel, in which it was Boromir who disturbed the water by throwing a stone.)

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Does Gandalf read the Book of Mazarbul?

During the scene in the Chamber of Mazarbul, the fact that the Watcher killed Óin is omitted from Gandalf’s reading of the Book of Mazarbul.

What is the Watcher in the water in The Hobbit?

The Watcher in the Water was a horrifying and mysterious beast with many tentacles living in a stagnant pool or lake near the West-gate of Moria, which was described by J.R.R. Tolkien as “… a dark, still lake” created by the damming of the Sirannon river.

How did the Watcher of Durin attack Frodo?

As they pondered the riddle of the Doors of Durin, Boromir threw a rock into the water. After Gandalf opened the gates and the Fellowship moved towards the entrance, the Watcher attacked Frodo, using its many long tentacles to grab hold of his legs.