
How much time is enough for CAT exam?

How much time is enough for CAT exam?

3 months are enough to prepare for CAT only if you are fully dedicated to CAT preparation. You should dedicate 5-6 hours daily to prepare for CAT in three months. You can check the exam pattern of the exam to know the exam structure. Is coaching necessary to prepare for CAT?

How many hours should I study to clear my CAT?

CAT preparation requires roughly around 300 to 500 hours of serious preparation time. You can find that time easily if you do the following: a) Study for at least 2 hours everyday (every working day). Ideal would be 3 to 4 hours.

Is 1 year enough to prepare for CAT exam?

As a matter of fact I think anywhere from 6 to 9 months are enough for CAT Preparation. It takes roughly 300 to 500 hours of serious studies to reach your peak potential with respect to CAT. One year will give you ample time to do the same.

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How many hours should I spend on a Mock CAT exam?

Every mock has been alotted 6 hours in the schedule. One spends three hours taking a mock. One should spend at least three hours analyzing the mock. Start taking mocks reasonably early. Do not wait to complete the entire learning component to start taking mock CATs. These mocks are based on previous CAT papers from 2000 to 2008.

What is the most important part of the cat preparation?

The most important part is what we have mentioned as session 6 to 100. If you are starting your CAT preparation today, start reading for an hour or two from today. Today is the best day to start reading. Reading is the most important component of CAT preparation.

How iquanta helps in cat preparation?

Here’s where iQuanta comes into play. This online institute is an elixir to your CAT preparation. It not only helps you to prepare for this exam from scratch but it also keeps you highly motivated throughout till your CAT exam.