
Is Palpatine a good guy?

Is Palpatine a good guy?

In Star Wars fiction, Palpatine is a cunning politician, a ruthless emperor, and an evil Sith Lord. The Star Wars Databank describes him as “the supreme ruler of the most powerful tyrannical regime the galaxy had ever witnessed” and Stephen J. Sansweet’s Star Wars Encyclopedia calls him “evil incarnate”.

Is Palpatine Anakin’s father in legends?

25 has provided us with the answer. Anakin’s father is The Emperor. Palpatine manipulated the Midi-chlorians inside of Shmi’s womb to create Anakin. By admitting he learned the secrets to create life with the force before killing his master and therefore would be the only one to create Anakin from Midi-chlorians.

What good did Palpatine do?

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He controlled the entire governing body and with it, every star system in the galaxy. His Empire had usurped the Republic and the Galactic Senate as the ultimate source of authority, and used its vast military to enforce its doctrines and maintain civil order. The Empire’s might was great.

Is Palpatine the best villain?

2 Emperor Palpatine: The Big Bad At The End Of The Star Wars Saga. Emperor Palpatine can be considered the greatest villain in Star Wars because of his place in each trilogy. In the Prequels, he’s the prime mover of events, pulling all the strings from the shadows.

What was Palpatine like as a person?

Palpatine had been an altruistic man of strong conviction who identified the bureaucratic tumult in the Senate for what it was; stagnation. He envisioned a greater, more prosperous future for the galaxy, and had the fortitude to set a plan in motion to achieve it, the ramifications of which would shape the entirety of the Star Wars Saga.

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Is Palpatine the Devil of the Star Wars?

Palpatine was a psychopathic tyrant who lusted for absolute power and whose legacy were billions of dead and a shattered and ruined galaxy. No palpatine is devil of the Star wars. He is manipulator and sadistic fucker that will do anything for the unlimited powaaaah! He pretended to be friend and ally to plagueis.

What impact did Palpatine have on the Galaxy?

Noted for his sadistic and self-serving intentions just as well as his ability to conceal them, Palpatine impacted the galaxy perhaps more than any other single individual, and it is likely that his impact on history, for good or ill, was immeasurable.

What accent did Palpatine speak in Star Wars?

Although he was from the Mid Rim instead of the Core Worlds, Palpatine primarily spoke Galactic Basic Standard with a Coruscanti accent during his time as Senator representing Naboo and as Supreme Chancellor. He also spoke with a Coruscanti accent while assuming the identity of Darth Sidious,…

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