
What does the myth of Apollo and Daphne explain?

What does the myth of Apollo and Daphne explain?

The myth of Apollo and Daphne is a story describing what happens when lust faces rejection. It’s a tale about the power of love, the power of Cupid (or Eros in Greek) who can even blind the most powerful amongst the Greek Gods. In the myth, Apollo falls madly in love with Daphne, a woman sworn to remain a virgin.

How did Apollo fall in love Daphne?

Angered by the insult, Cupid shot him with a golden love arrow causing Apollo to fall in love with the first person he saw. Cupid then shot Daphne with a lead-tipped arrow causing her to be impervious to love. At that moment, Apollo caught sight of Daphne, who was out hunting, and fell in love.

What happens to Daphne and Apollo?

In retaliation, Eros fired two arrows: a gold arrow that struck Apollo and made him fall in love with Daphne, and a lead arrow that made Daphne hate Apollo. Daphne turned to the river god, Peneus, and pleaded for him to free her from Apollo. In response, Peneus use metamorphosis to turn Daphne into a laurel tree.

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What happened to Daphne and Apollo?

The sharp, gold-tipped arrow pierced the heart of Apollo inflaming his love for Daphne, a beautiful nymph, daughter of the river god Peneus, while the blunt, lead-tipped arrow struck the nymph creating an intense aversion for love in the her heart. However, the nymphs understood his trickery and killed him.

Why did Cupid shoot Daphne?

Angered by the insult, Cupid shot him with a golden love arrow causing Apollo to fall in love with the first person he saw. Cupid then shot Daphne with a lead-tipped arrow causing her to be impervious to love.

What are some famous myths about Apollo?

Apollo had many roles in Greek mythology, including god of the sun, god of the arts (especially music, poetry, and dance), god of medicine, protector of herdsmen and their flocks, and god of prophecy. His oracle at Delphi was the most famous in the world, and his cult spread far beyond the Greek world . Origins.

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What is the theme of Apollo and Daphne?

Theme of Transformation in Apollo and Daphne. The theme of transformation pops up in two major ways in the story of “Apollo and Daphne.”. We’ll go with the glaringly obvious one first: at the end of the story, Daphne’s father transforms the young nymph into a laurel tree.

What is a summary of the Greek myth?

Mythology Summary. As the two characters empathize with one another, Prometheus tells Io her fortune and gives her courage to keep living. Europa: Zeus pursues a fine maiden, Europa, in the shape of a bull. He takes her on a ride across the ocean and eventually bears two sons by her.