
Is ignorance the same as indifference?

Is ignorance the same as indifference?

To ignore is to be ignorant and to be ignorant is to engage in an active and sometimes conscious state of not paying attention. Simply put, indifference is apathy. To be indiffer- ent is to engage in an active and sometimes conscious state of aloofness and inattention.

What’s the difference between hate and indifference?

Love and hate are both intense emotions that may be directed toward someone while indifference doesn’t really care one way or the other.

What is the difference between ignorance?

The difference between ignorance and apathy is that ignorance is the lack of knowledge or information, whereas apathy is the lack of interest or concern. Ignorance is a state of being unaware or lack of knowledge. Ignorant is an adjective used to describe a person in this state. There are different kinds of ignorance.

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Which is worse hatred or indifference?

The truth is that indifference is an even worse human attribute because it has no emotion, no expression and no response. You disarm it…Indifference is not a response.” (Wiesel, 2). As a result, indifference is more frightful than anger and hatred because it does not give victims a chance to express themselves.

Why is indifference worse than hatred?

In many ways, indifference is worse than anger and hatred because at least when people are angry, they do something to fix the problem. The same is true with hatred because people will stand up and fight against it. When people are indifferent, they don’t do anything.

What is difference between ignorant and ignorance?

What is the difference between ignorant and ignorance? “Ignorant” is an adjective, meaning “one who acts or exists in ignorance.” “Ignorance” is a noun. It means unawareness, lack of knowledge – in a specific area, or generally.

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What is the difference between ignorance and indifference?

You don’t care for him anymore rather you care for yourself more. This is known as Indifference. During your indifference, you don’t give a damn about that person. During ignorance, there was a ray of hope and you had a hope things can be mended.

Does ignorance cause problems?

Ignorance can cause problems, for sure. But often, the issues are not due to malicious or spiteful intent. Indifference is having accurate knowledge, but not bothering to respond in an appropriately caring manner. Generally speaking, I am very familiar with the damage caused by ignorance.

Is indifference a choice or an attitude?

As one goes on to analyse which is worse, the arrow definitely points to indifference because an attitude of indifference is a choice. A conscious choice. A choice to maintain neutrality. A choice so dangerous that it inhibits growth of an individual, society and nation.

Is willful ignorance morality?

If you choose to be willfully ignorant, you are part of the problem that halts the world from developing significant change. A large portion of hate and prejudice are born from willful ignorance. The difference between willful ignorance and ignorance itself is a choice. I would like to argue that ignorance at its root is neither moral nor immoral.