
Is a compound a pure substance yes or no?

Is a compound a pure substance yes or no?

A compound is a pure substance composed of two or more different atoms chemically bonded to one another. A compound can be destroyed by chemical means. It might be broken down into simpler compounds, into its elements or a combination of the two.

Is a compound considered a pure substance Why or why not quizlet?

Can a compound be considered a pure substance? Yes because a compound is ONLY made up of particle of itself.

Is compound considered a substance?

All compounds are substances, but not all substances are compounds. A chemical compound can be either atoms bonded together in molecules or crystals in which atoms, molecules or ions form a crystalline lattice.

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Is compound a pure substance True or false?

Compounds and elements are pure substance – This statement is True.

Is a compound considered a pure substance Why or why not Brainly?

A chemical compound is considered to be a pure substance. This is because each molecule of the chemical compound has the same chemical formula.

What is considered to be a pure substance?

A substance that has a fixed chemical composition throughout is called a pure substance such as water, air, and nitrogen. A pure substance does not have to be of a single element or compound.

Is a compound a pure substance or a mixture explain your answer quizlet?

Elements and compounds are pure substances because they are chemically combined and homogeneous mixtures even if the same throughout it can be physically separated.

Why does an element considered a substance?

An element is a pure substance and is made of only one type of atom; it cannot be broken down into a simpler substance.

Are colloids pure substances?

A colloid is a mixture where very small particles of one substance are evenly distributed throughout another substance. Milk is a mixture of liquid butterfat globules dispersed and suspended in water. Colloids are generally considered heterogeneous mixtures, but have some qualities of homogeneous mixtures as well.

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Why is a compound pure substance but not a mixture?

Ostensibly, compounds contain more than one type of material. Yet both compounds and elements are considered pure substances. A mixture is created when substances combine but no chemical reaction occurs. In general, a mixture can be separated into its original components, while a pure compound cannot.

Is a homogeneous mixture considered a pure substance?

A homogeneous mixture is a mixture in which the composition is uniform throughout the mixture. Often it is easy to confuse a homogeneous mixture with a pure substance because they are both uniform. The difference is that the composition of the substance is always the same.

Why is a homogeneous mixture not considered a pure substance?

A homogeneous mixture is not considered a pure substance because it can be separated through mechanical and thermal processes.

What is the difference between a mixture and a pure substance?

1. Pure substances cannot be separated into any other kinds of matter, while a mixture is a combination of two or more pure substances. 2. A pure substance has constant physical and chemical properties, while mixtures have varying physical and chemical properties (i.e., boiling point and melting point).

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Which material is a pure substance?

A pure substance refers to an element or a compound that has no component of another compound or element. Pure substances are made of only one type of atom or molecule. Hydrogen gas and pure iron are examples of pure substances. Hydrogen consists of hydrogen atoms only while iron consists of only iron atoms.

What are some examples of pure compounds?

Water (H2O), salt (NaCl), methane (H4N) and sugar (C12H22O11) are all examples of pure compounds. However, in many ways, the designation “pure” compound is an oxymoron, since all compounds are pure.