
Are the calories burned on Strava accurate?

Are the calories burned on Strava accurate?

Dr Howard Hurst, a senior lecturer in sport, exercise and nutrition sciences at the University of Central Lancashire, told me that as far as he can work out, “Strava has a margin of error somewhere between 25 and 50\%”.

What is the most accurate way to track calories burned?

The accuracy can vary from product to product. A heart rate monitor is one of the best ways to measure your calorie burn. Your heart rate indicates how much effort it takes for you to do a certain activity, and that effort determines the calories you burn.

How does Strava determine calories burned?

Strava will use your weight and the elevation data and distance of your run to estimate calories burned. Calories for runs are a function of speed (grade adjusted), weight and moving time. Multiply these together with a scaling factor and that’s the estimate.

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How does Strava determine calories?

To get calorie calculations for rides, Strava uses your power output and a coefficient for human efficiency. Calories for runs are a function of speed (grade adjusted), weight, and moving time. Multiply these together with a scaling factor, and that’s the estimate.

Is Apple watch calories burned accurate?

Apple Watch calorie calculations are based on health standards and are known to be accurate. Meaning how much you need to move and be active to burn more than the number of calories you consume in a day.

Why does Strava not record calories?

Strava shows Calories as they were provided to us from upload partners. If no value is sent, or you record with the Strava mobile app, we use our own calculations. All other activity types will not display calories unless the upload partner includes the data with the activity upload.

How accurate is Strava?

Strava is about as accurate as the GPS that feeds it data. If that’s your phone, it may depend where you wear or carry your phone – your body can occlude the signal from some of the satellites making it somewhat less accurate. Strava is about as accurate as the GPS that feeds it data.

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Is strava accurate?

How does Strava calculate calories burned for runs?

Otherwise, if you enter your weight, according to their help center “Strava will use your weight and the elevation data and distance of your run to estimate calories burned” for runs. Calories (or kcal) is a measure of the energy you’ve burned during your activity.

How accurate is Strava when it comes to nutrition?

Dr Howard Hurst, a senior lecturer in sport, exercise and nutrition sciences at the University of Central Lancashire, told me that as far as he can work out, “Strava has a margin of error somewhere between 25 and 50\%”. “Strava determines calorie expenditure from speed and time elevation alone.

What happens if no value is sent to Strava?

If no value is sent, or you record with the Strava mobile app, we use our own calculations. At this time, Strava only performs a calorie calculation on ride, run, walk, and hike activities.

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How does Strava estimate running power?

Strava does estimate power based on rider weight, bike and elevation, but again it’s working with limited data points, so that means the picture it paints is pretty vague. The same theory also applies to running, though probably to a lesser degree as the speeds will be lower.