
Do INTJs like authority?

Do INTJs like authority?

It’s often said that INTJs dislike authority, but that’s not exactly true. Most of us have no problem with following the orders of our superiors – as long as that person knows what they are talking about. Being in a position of authority does not win someone automatic respect from an INTJ.

Why are INTJs arrogant?

INTJs are one of the more self-sufficient personality types, in the sense that we don’t require validation from others to confirm what we believe in. We have the courage of our convictions, and others may have a tough time talking us around to their point of view – hence the labels stubborn and arrogant.

Do INTJs like power?

INTJs do sometimes crave a sense of power, simply because they value having control. INTJs can become frustrated when people who lack a certain level of intelligent, seem to have control of those around them.

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What makes INTJs weird?

INTJs can be seen as strange because they don’t follow what others expect, and instead follow what is factual and real. This can sometimes make the INTJ a bit blunt, which can certainly make them appear awkward or weird to some people.

Why INTJ are blunt?

The well-known bluntness of the INTJ is one of the most misunderstood traits of their type. It’s not that they are blunt because they don’t care about the feelings of others. If they give someone their honest opinion, it’s a sign that they do care.

Why are INTJs so chill?

INTJs are incredibly passionate about their likes and even dislikes. Since they spend much of their time making plans for people they like or activities they want to do, their dedication in their thoughts show their resolve. As such, there is no reason to disregard their interests or make fun of them.

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Why do intjs look like that?

Here are some pictures of actual INTJs “smiling” for the camera: The reason INTJs look this way is complex. It’s partly because a genuine smile uses muscles around the eyes, not just the mouth. A fake smile uses just the mouth muscles.

Do you want to be an INTJ?

Unfortunately, a lot of people game the system to claim the “rare” or “cool” type they most want to be. For some reason – and I assume it’s because they want to feel special, intelligent, rare or gifted and have somehow forgotten the robotic, nerdy, heartless and socially awkward part – INTJ is a type that people want to be.

What percentage of all personality tests are intjs?

Well, there’s a guy on Quora who reckons that 28 percent of all personality test-takers are INTJ. That’s a massive number! I don’t know where these figures come from but even if they’re wildly inaccurate, it gives you some sense of the magnitude of the discrepancy.

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Do intjs burst people’s bubbles?

Of course, INTJs aren’t always right, and there’s no special glory in bursting people’s bubbles. But that’s the thing: We don’t do it for ego, or to prove a point, or to bring other people down. We often do it by accident, fully assuming that everyone else sees things the same way — until we notice the horrified looks we cause.