Tips and tricks

Can you return a Zipcar at any time?

Can you return a Zipcar at any time?

You are always able to return the Zipcar early. Just leave it at its home location clean and with at least 1/4 tank of gas, and ready for the next member.

Do you have to return zipcars?

Zipcar is a round trip service, so your Zipcar must be returned to the same location where you picked it up originally. Make sure to lock up with your app or your Zipcard to end your trip.

Can I extend time Zipcar?

If you need to shorten, extend, cancel, or modify your trip, you can do so through either the mobile app or on the trips page on the web. To avoid additional fees when cancelling or shortening a booking, be sure to modify your booking within the following timeframes: Within 30 minutes after creating a trip.

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Does Zipcar charge for unused time?

Zipcar has a policy that if you return your car early/change your reservation to a shorter time; that you will be charged the full fee of the appointment. Unless you’ve changed it 3 hrs before youre going to bring it back, then you won’t be charged.

Do I get money back if I return Zipcar early?

Since you technically have the car for the full time, you won’t get any money back for returning a Zipcar early as another member can’t rent it until the end of your reservation. You do, however, want to avoid returning a car late as Zipcar’s late fees begin at $50.

How much does Zipcar charge for being late?

If you’re running late, you’ll be charged for the extra time you used the car, plus an additional late fee: 1- 60 minutes late: $50 ($50 CAD) 61–120 minutes late: $100 ($100 CAD) 121+ minutes late: $150 ($150 CAD)

Do zipcars have to be returned to the same location?

Pick up and return these cars and vans to their same dedicated bay. During your reservation you are able to park in other areas, but if you’re stopping over in a space that requires a fee, you’re responsible for paying it.

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Do I get a refund if I return Zipcar early?

Can I Get a Zipcar Refund for Returning the Vehicle Early? While you can return the car before your reservation expires, there are no refunds for the unused time.

Can I pick up Zipcar late?

Below are additional charges and fees which may be incurred if Zipcar policies are violated. Late Returns: $50 per hour (up to a maximum of $150), plus the extra time you used the car.

Can you pick up your Zipcar late?

Late Returns: $50 per hour (up to a maximum of $150), plus the extra time you used the car. Low Gas: $30 if you return a vehicle with less than 1/4 tank of gas. Vehicle Retrieval Fee: $139 flat fee if you do not return the Zipcar back to its home location by the end of your trip.

What happens if I don’t return my Zipcar car on time?

Please call us at 866-4ZIPCAR if you are unable to return the car on time. If you receive 3 late fees within a 12-month period, Zipcar will review your status and may suspend or end your membership.

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What happens if the fuel card is missing from my Zipcar?

If the fuel card is missing in your Zipcar don’t worry – just get an itemised VAT receipt and send it to us for reimbursement. The fuel type of the vehicle is displayed in a few different places.

How do I know where to Park my Zipcar?

In most cases if your Zipcar is parked on street the bay will be marked like so (park the vehicle inside the lines to eliminate the risk of a parking ticket) Sometimes locations have no markings at all but are fully described in the reservation confirmation, so try and make a mental note of where to return the car before setting off.

How do I Return my roundtrip Zipcar or van?

Be sure to return your Roundtrip Zipcar or van to it’s home location, where you picked it up from. If it’s from a multi-car location then any of the dedicated Zipcar bays will do.