Tips and tricks

Why is it called a Chinese finger trap?

Why is it called a Chinese finger trap?

The Wikipedia article is here: Chinese finger trap . If memory serves, it was invented by the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu (6th century BC) using bedsheets (fashioned into a natch) to escape from a height instead of using sailing knots or when rope was unavailable.

How do Chinese fingers work?

Introducing the Chinese finger trap If you’ve never seen one, finger traps are woven bamboo tubes (check out the picture above). You place your index fingers in either end, and when you try to pull them out, the tube constricts, trapping your fingers. When you push your fingers inward, it causes them to loosen.

What are Chinese finger traps called now?

A Chinese finger trap (also known as a Chinese finger puzzle, Chinese thumb cuff, Chinese handcuffs and similar variants) is a gag toy used to play a practical joke on unsuspecting children and adults.

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What are Chinese finger traps made of?

The harder the victim tries to escape, the more the finger trap tightens. Chinese finger traps are normally made of bamboo, a material that does not stretch, but they can also be made with fabric, ribbon, or even paper.

What are Chinese finger traps made out of?

Chinese finger traps are normally made of bamboo, a material that does not stretch, but they can also be made with fabric, ribbon, or even paper.

What is purse string suture?

Purse string suture is defined as a surgical suture passed as a running stitch in and out along the edge of a circular wound in such a way that when the ends of the suture are drawn tight the wound is closed like a purse [3].

How do you suture in a feeding tube?

Place a 2-0 Nylon suture through the side holes of the feeding tube and through the hole in the instrument blade. Tighten the suture until the tip of the instrument blade and feeding tube tip are in close apposition.

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What are Chinese finger traps made from?