
Are hyperspace and Lightspeed the same?

Are hyperspace and Lightspeed the same?

Hyperspace and lightspeed are indeed two different things, yet they are still related to each other. Lightspeed was simply the speed in which hyperspace was travelled at. Hyperspace was an alternate dimension, and to reach it, pilots were required to travel at Lightspeed or faster.

Where does the term hyperspace come from?

It is related to the concept of four-dimensional space, first described in the 19th century. Its use in science fiction originated in the magazine Amazing Stories Quarterly around the 1930s. It is typically described as an alternative “sub-region” of space co-existing with our own universe.

How does a hyperdrive work?

The hyperdrive functioned by sending hypermatter particles to hurl a ship into hyperspace while preserving the vessel’s mass/energy profile, and required a functional hyperdrive motivator to do so. The vessel then traveled along a programmed course until it dropped back into normal space—realspace—at its destination.

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Is Star Wars a hyperdrive?

STAR WARS STREAMING ON. STAR WARS STREAMING ON Hyperdrives allow starships to travel faster than the speed of light, crossing space through the alternate dimension of hyperspace.

What is faster FTL VS hyperspace?

Faster-than-light travel. Hyperspace travel is the most common type of F.T.L. in the Stargate universe, but it is not the only type. travel that is much faster and more efficient than hyperspace (though their ships could travel in hyperspace, as well).

Who invented the idea of hyperspace?

E. C. Tubb has been credited with “furthering much of the hyper-space lore”; writing a number of space operas in the early 1950s in which space travel occurs through that medium.

What are hyperlanes in space?

Hyperlanes were routes through space in which a spaceship could safely travel without colliding with a body in space, or some other phenomenon such as a black hole. There were five major routes in the galaxy, with hundreds of secondary routes and thousands of minor ones.

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What are hyperspace routes?

Hyperspace routes —also called hyperspace lanes, hyperlanes, trade routes, spacelanes, and runs —were established paths through hyperspace, which linked major worlds in the galaxy, just as roads linked major cities on populated planets.

Are hyperlanes FTL?

I am limited time and on mobile, but in a way are similar to wormholes but where wormholes are connected folds in space, hyperlanes are networks of energy that can connect sympathetic astral bodies allowing you go along. It isnt FTL in itself, but more of an alternate path that shares with folded space theories.

What would happen if we destroy hyperspace beacons?

Hyperspace beacons helped guide starships to star systems, refueling stations, and ports, and several beacons could act as guides through dangerous and less traveled parts of the galaxy. The destruction of such beacons could hinder travel to the system.