
How much time passed between homecoming and Infinity War?

How much time passed between homecoming and Infinity War?

Infinity War takes place two years after Civil War so it also takes place about two years after SM Homecoming. That means that Peter, who is 15 in Homecoming is now 17ish.

Why does Spider-Man: Homecoming say 8 years later?

In the Spider-Man: Homecoming movie it’s displayed that it occurs 8 years after the New York battle. Is the timeline right? Because it was supposed to occur a few months after Civil War but after 8 years template make it fall on 2020 which is 4 years after Civil War.

How old is Peter Parker in Avengers Infinity War?

This means that, as there was a 2 year difference between when civil war was released and when infinity war was released, Peter is 2 years older and is thus 17 during infinity war.

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How is homecoming 8 years after Avengers?

SM Homecoming cannot take place 8 years after The Avengers if Infinity War takes place 6 years after. Even the directors of Infinity War have stated that the “8 years later” was a mistake. (at around 13 mins) The Academic Decathlon poster is seen twice, but with different dates.

Who is the oldest Avenger actor?

Robert Downey Jr. is the oldest of the MCU’s primary Avengers, coming in at 54 years old.

How long after Avengers does Spider-Man Homecoming take place?

We know that Spider-Man: Homecoming takes place 8 years after Avengers, because both the title card and Toomes’s dialogue claim it’s been 8 years that Toomes has been building weapons from alien tech.

What grade is Peter Parker in in Spiderman Homecoming?

Peter parker is in 10th or 11th grade in homecoming (most likely 10th) and I don’t know how long after it takes place. Spiderman homecoming messed up the marvel timeline a lot

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How many years after Civil War does Spider-Man take place?

Specifically: We know that Captain America: Civil War happens 8 years after Iron Man. We know that Spider-Man: Homecoming happens 8 years after Avengers. We know that Spider-Man: Homecoming happens two months after the airport scene in Captain America: Civil War.

How old is Peter in infinfinity War?

Infinity War takes place two years after Civil War so it also takes place about two years after SM Homecoming. That means that Peter, who is 15 in Homecoming is now 17ish.