Tips and tricks

What are the toilets like in Vietnam?

What are the toilets like in Vietnam?

There are still some squat toilets in public places and out in the countryside. The scarcity of public toilets is more of a problem for women than for men. Vietnamese men often urinate in public. Women might find roadside toilet stops easier if wearing a sarong.

Do Vietnamese people use toilet paper?

Does Vietnam Have Toilet Paper? Yes, Vietnam has plenty of toilet rolls that can easily be bought in any shop. Hotel and hostels normally provide toilet rolls when you stay with them. Toilet paper is usually provided though it’s wise to keep a stash of your own while you are out exploring.

What country has the best toilets?

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Japan is leading the way in not just technology but even when it comes to public toilets. It has the cleanest facilities that you can think of and the best part is that there are toilets available everywhere.

Are bum guns sanitary?

Bum guns are more hygienic – If you put your hand in poo would you simply wipe it off with a bit of paper? Bum guns avoid sewage blockages – In Asia, where sewage pipes are thinner than in Western countries, using the bum gun avoids clogged up toilet paper blocking up the pipe.

Which toilet is the cleanest?

According to studies, the middle stalls are to be avoided if possible. Apparently, people tend to choose the middle one because of the “centrality preference.” On the other hand, the first stall, which is the least used, is likely to be the cleanest.

In what country can you usually not flush toilet paper?

While Americans in particular are used to flushing their used toilet paper down the pipe, they must break that habit if they are traveling to Turkey, Greece, Beijing, Macedonia, Montenegro, Morocco, Bulgaria, Egypt and the Ukraine in particular.

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Do squat toilets make a difference in Vietnam?

The chance seeing a squat toilet in Vietnam is very rare if you stick to major tourist places. To me western style toilets don’t make any difference because there will be a distance of 20cm from me to any style. 2. Re: Toilet tips please

Do all homestays have Western style toilets?

The majority of the tourist places do have western style toilets, so do not worry too much. 2 out of 3 of my homestays have western toilets. One tip, take plenty of tissues!

What do Vietnamese people do with theirbum hoses?

Mostly western style and usually with a wet floor because Vietnamese people are enthusiastic users of the “bum hose” as an alternative to wiping. I have these in my house too and have learned to see/feel the advantage of them. I know some people who use the hose to wash down the toilet seat before use hence adding to the splash experience.