How many space marines fit in a drop pod?

How many space marines fit in a drop pod?

12 Space Marines
Standard Drop Pod A squad-sized Drop Pod capable of carrying ten Astartes, armed with a Storm Bolter for heavy fire support The standard pattern of Adeptus Astartes Drop Pod is capable of carrying up to 12 Space Marines into combat.

Are aggressors worth it?

Aggressors are a valuable distraction unit in any Space Marines army. Aggressors are great for this role; for about 120 points, you’re getting three Toughness 5, Space Marines with 2 Wounds each and a 3+ Save with a pile of power fist attacks and respectable shooting.

What makes the Imperial Guard so powerful?

An Imperial Guard army must utilise the twin advantages of vast numbers and overwhelming firepower to annihilate its foes. Where xenos aircraft dance and weave with impossible grace, the Imperial Guard simply fills the sky with a thunderstorm of munitions from which no amount of aerobatic skill can save the foe.

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Do Space Marines have personalities in 40K?

As with most things in 40k, bare in mind there’s an entire galaxies worth of Marines and Imperial Guards, there’s no way to put a cast-iron stamp on their personalities. There’s probably even variations in attitude within Space Marine Chapters.

How big was the Imperial Army in Star Wars?

Gargantuan numbers of brave troops — millions growing to billions of troops, ranks of armoured battle tanks and mighty armadas of capital-class starships that were a part of the Imperial Army’s subsidary Armada Imperialis — were raised, all subordinate to the Legiones Astartes.

Are Guardsmen looked down upon by other marine units?

It depends on the chapter and the individual Marine. The Space Wolves and Salamanders put a lot of value in human life, so they don’t look down on Guardsmen. In the Space Marine game, Captain Titus of the Ultramarines would storm the enemy to draw their fire away from the guardsmen and seemed proud of what they do.