Tips and tricks

Will we ever be able to travel faster than the speed of light?

Will we ever be able to travel faster than the speed of light?

So will it ever be possible for us to travel at light speed? Based on our current understanding of physics and the limits of the natural world, the answer, sadly, is no. So, light-speed travel and faster-than-light travel are physical impossibilities, especially for anything with mass, such as spacecraft and humans.

Is it true that nothing can travel faster than light?

No. The universal speed limit, which we commonly call the speed of light, is fundamental to the way the universe works. Therefore, this tells us that nothing can ever go faster than the speed of light, for the simple reason that space and time do not actually exist beyond this point.

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Is it possible to travel at 99\% the speed of light?

Five years on a ship traveling at 99 percent the speed of light (2.5 years out and 2.5 years back) corresponds to roughly 36 years on Earth.

Why can’t we travel faster than the speed of light?

The speed of light in a vacuum is an absolute cosmic speed limit. According to the laws of physics, as we approach light speed, we have to provide more and more energy to make an object move. In order to reach the speed of light, you’d need an infinite amount of energy, and that’s impossible!

Will we ever reach another galaxy?

The technology required to travel between galaxies is far beyond humanity’s present capabilities, and currently only the subject of speculation, hypothesis, and science fiction. However, theoretically speaking, there is nothing to conclusively indicate that intergalactic travel is impossible.

Is it possible to travel beyond the speed of light?

The fact is we’ll never be able to travel beyond the speed of light, at least based on our current understanding of established physics. As any object with mass accelerates – like a proton in the LHC – it gains energy, always needing just a little bit more energy to accelerate even further.

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What happens to time at 100\% of the speed of light?

As you are approaching 100\% of the speed of light your time slows more and more until it is infinitely slowed down. (You should realize that everything slows down including your heart beats, your thoughts, etc.) So for an example if your ship goes at 98\% of the speed of light and you take a one year journey,…

Why can’t an object with mass go faster than the speed of light?

One of the reasons that prevent any object with a mass going at or faster than the speed of light is that the mass is not constant – it increases with velocity and it goes to infinity at the speed of light.

Why does the Alcubierre drive go faster than light?

This is like a mini form of how the universe expands but in reverse and local to the bubble. Because it is distorting space and not traveling through space, it can go faster than light. The Alcubierre drive contracts and expands space.