
Will there be disabilities in heaven?

Will there be disabilities in heaven?

Heaven cannot include any aspect of disability that causes tears or death or mourning or crying or pain or thirst or hunger, per Revelation 21:4 & 21:6, Revelation 7:16-17, 1 Corinthians 15:26, and Isaiah 35:10. No, my physical limitations will not exist in heaven.

Is having a disability a sin?

In parts of the Bible physical disability is portrayed as a punishment for sin. In the New Testament, Jesus is often shown performing miraculous healing those with disabilities, although some believe Jesus still referred to sin as the cause of physical disability.

Is disability a curse?

Disability, be it physical or mental, has been largely misunderstood by many. While some fail to understand the condition, others might be insensitive to it.

What does the Bible say about people with disabilities?

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The Bible is full of people whose disabilities were no barrier to them playing a vital part in the history of God’s people In the New Testament, as well as Jesus’ healing ministry to many disabled people, there are examples of disabled people portrayed in a positive way, and of God using disability for good in people’s lives.

Why should we ask God why we have disabilities?

Rather than ask God why we or a loved one have a disability or handicap, we should ask Him to reveal to us how we can honor Him through this disability in our lives. God uses people’s brokenness to reveal His glory to mankind. When Jesus healed people it gave evidence of the sovereignty of God.

How do people become disabled?

While some disabilities can come through poor choices of our parents or ourselves, such as substance abuse or recklessness, others simply develop from our genetic makeup. Ultimately, we are all disabled in some way or another from the way God created us to be.

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Is God the god of the mentally disabled?

The Lord is God of the physically healthy and the mentally strong, but He is also the God of the physically disabled and the mentally handicapped. He is sovereign over the fragile and feeble as well as over the adroit and mighty.