
Will our universe ever collide with another?

Will our universe ever collide with another?

The reason we don’t see evidence for our Universe colliding with another is because our Universe has never collided with another one, just as our leading theories predict.

How many universes could there be?

The only meaningful answer to the question of how many universes there are is one, only one universe. And a few philosophers and mystics might argue that even our own universe is an illusion.

Can parallel universes collide?

Actually the result of different, parallel worlds smashing into each other. The notion that our universe may be just one in a series of endless parallel universes—some very similar, some wildly different—has captivated the hearts and minds of many science fiction fans.

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What is bubble universe?

noun. Physics. (In some inflationary models of cosmology) any of an infinite number of universes formed as expanding regions within a space that is itself expanding, each having its own rate of expansion and physical properties and laws.

What if multi-universes exist?

If multi-universes exist, you’re right, there would be an infinite number of them. One for every infinitesimally small moment, for every single infinitesimally small sub-atomic particle, there would be a new universe. This basically means that every possibility is happening in it’s own universe.

How does a person move through the universe?

With every thought of intention, action and emotion that is transmitted from you, a person sets into motion unseen chain of effects which vibrate from the mental plane thought the entire cellular structure of body out into the environment and finally into the Cosmos.

Why does the universe make copies of itself?

In other words, the universe makes copies of itself to account for all the possibilities and these duplicates will proceed independently. Every time a photon is measured, for instance, a scientist in one universe will analyze it in wave form and the same scientist in another universe will analyze it in particle form.

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What does it mean to be in your own universe?

This basically means that every possibility is happening in it’s own universe. This doesn’t really make a lot of sense, and it has nothing to do with human decision making, and all the boffins who use that analogy should think it through a bit more. Another alternative theory here.