
Will my likes appearing on friends news feed?

Will my likes appearing on friends news feed?

The privacy of your like is dependent on the privacy of your friend’s post. if they only share the post with you, then you liking it will only appear in your friend’s activity feed/newsfeed. If they share it with a group of friends it will appear only in that group of friends’ activity feed/newsfeed.

Can friends of friends see likes On Facebook?

Your friends can see ALL the photos you’ve liked on Facebook — whether you like it or not. Anyone and everyone on your friend list can peruse through all the photos you’ve ever liked on Facebook.

Can you like someone’s photo on Facebook if you are not friends?

1 Answer. Yes, it depends on their privacy settings, whether it is posted as “Public” or “Friends” or Some Customized list. It is just that if you see “Like” button, you can; if not, you cannot, and same goes for “Comment” and “Share” options.

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Does Unliking send a notification on Facebook?

If you accidentally like and unlike someone’s post on Facebook, chances are they won’t know you’ve done so. Even if they go to their Facebook notifications, they won’t be able to see that you’ve liked their posts because the notification gets deleted as soon as you unlike it.

Who can see my likes?

Only your approved followers can see your posts, including any likes and comments. When you like a public post, your like will be visible to everyone and your username will be clickable below the post, but only approved followers can see your posts.

How do you see what someone likes on Facebook 2021?

It’s at the top of your friend’s profile, but below their cover photo. A menu will expand with more options. Click Likes on the menu. This opens your friend’s Likes page, where you’ll find all of the movies, TV shows, artists, books, restaurants, and other Pages they’ve liked on Facebook.

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Can you make your likes private on Facebook?

Log in to, go to your profile, and select More > Likes. Click the three-dot menu and select Edit the Privacy of Your Likes. Select a Page Category. In the Select Audience box, choose the level of privacy you want for the category’s like visibility.

Does Unliking a photo remove the notification?

Liking the photo, leaving it for 10 seconds and then unliking it (push notifications off) Instagram will remove any trace that you liked the photo, but your phone will keep the push notification onscreen for everyone to see.

Why can’t all my friends see my liked posts on Facebook?

The visibility of the post, including comments and likes on the post, will only include people who you include in the list of custom people who can see it. So if one of those friends “likes” your post, based on your setting their friends won’t see it and any of your mutual friends won’t see it UNLESS they were also included in your custom list.

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Can people see what I post on Facebook?

It all depends on your privacy settings. The default for actions is often that “friends of friends” can see actions. You can control the visibility of a post when you post it. Make sure the default action for that is “Friends” only.

Can Friends of friends see your comment on Facebook?

Well in both these situations, like I mention in the article above, if you comment or like something that is public, then your comment is also public. If you comment on something and the friend who posted it is sharing with friends-of-friend, then their friends-of-friends can see your comment.

What do the “Friends of friends” icons mean on Facebook?

Custom could mean “Friends of Friends”, or a custom privacy setting. Anytime you see those icons on Facebook, hover or click on the icon to learn about the audience of any post.   For example, “Who can see Jean’s post?