
Will Cantonese be added to Duolingo?

Will Cantonese be added to Duolingo?

Cantonese is coming 🙂 !!!! Chinese (Cantonese) for Chinese speakers In the Duolingo Incubator.

Is Duolingo good for Chinese 2020?

Yes. Duolingo supports many languages, and Mandarin is indeed one of them. Is Duolingo good for learning Chinese? For beginner to intermediate level there’s no doubt Duolingo is one of the better Chinese learning apps there is.

Is Chinese available on Duolingo?

Learn Chinese in just 5 minutes a day. For free. Learn Chinese in just 5 minutes a day with our game-like lessons. Whether you’re a beginner starting with the basics or looking to practice your reading, writing, and speaking, Duolingo is scientifically proven to work.

What app teaches Cantonese?

Cantoneseclass101 is a great way to learn Cantonese and improve your speaking, listening, and writing skills. You can download Cantoneseclass101 for Android or in the Apple App Store.

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Is Malay on Duolingo?

Plenty of people ask where can they learn the Malay language all the time. This is the reason why I am shocked by the sad fact that there is no Malay on Duolingo.

Does Babbel teach Cantonese?

Babbel doesn’t offer most Asian languages Cantonese isn’t the only language that fails to appear on Babbel. Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Thai also don’t have a Babbel course.

Does Memrise have Cantonese?

Complete Cantonese – by malcolmbarrett – Memrise.

What app can I learn Malay?

Nemo is fully customizable. Nemo immerses you in the sounds of Malay so you naturally speak with ease. Dive into WHAT YOU WANT to learn at any time. You control which words to practice – skip words you don’t want to learn or already know.

What languages does Duolingo offer?


  • Klingon
  • Navajo
  • Hungarian
  • Haitian Creole
  • Yiddish
  • Maori
  • Finnish
  • Does Duolingo really work?

    So, yes, Duolingo does work for learning a language. However, you have to use it the right way (as a student, not a mindless gamer), and you have to supplement it with other materials. Read Duolingo: Language Learning as a Game for details.

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    Is Duolingo really free?

    Duolingo is a hugely popular app/program, with over 25 million users. In 2013, it was chosen by Apple as its iPhone App of the Year. Duolingo can be downloaded completely free of charge on your phone or used on your computer.

    Can you become fluent with Duolingo?

    No, Duolingo cannot make you fluent in any language. It can, however, give you a good, necessary foundation of the language and jump in and try to talk to others, even if at a fundamental level. Trying to talk with someone in their language, when you just know the basics will often boost your learning quite massively.