
Why would WWII be more complex for the US than WWI?

Why would WWII be more complex for the US than WWI?

“America’s task was far more complex and back-breaking [in World War II] than in World War I.” Explain. It was more complex because Americans had the hardship of preparing for war, since it had been in isolation fro the preceding decades.

Why is ww2 more talked about than ww1?

Of course, World War II is more popular because we have its veterans still living, because the villains vanquished were more evil than those in the First World War, and because the United States sat unrivaled as a world power after its victory in the second war.

What are the differences between ww1 and ww2?

While WWI was fought in the trenches and used machine guns and poisonous gas, WWII was fought using modern artillery and machines utilizing more airplanes, ships, tanks, and submarines. WWII ended with the defeat of Germany and Japan. It led to the rise of two new world superpowers, the USA and the Soviet Union.

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Why is learning about WWI important?

World War I helped trigger the collapse of European empires, ushering in a midcentury wave of African independence movements. The reordering of the world began not in 1945 but in 1918, setting the stage for the global order that today is shifting under our feet.

What lessons can we learn from ww1?

3 important lessons learned from World War I

  • 1. ‘ Exhaust diplomacy before you use force’
  • War is always unpredictable. It’s almost hard to believe 100 years later, but many leaders at the time thought World War I would be over quickly.
  • History should be remembered.

Why did the results of WW1 and WW2 differ?

The difference between WWI and WWII is that the first world war was fought with the motive of acquiring territories and colonies hence imperialism was the cause whereas the second World War was based on the domination of ideologies like Fascism, Nazism, and communism.

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How did WW1 lead to WW2?

The major causes of World War II were numerous. They include the impact of the Treaty of Versailles following WWI, the worldwide economic depression, failure of appeasement, the rise of militarism in Germany and Japan, and the failure of the League of Nations. Then, on September 1, 1939, German troops invaded Poland.

What lessons can be learned from WW1?

Why don’t we get more World War I in the US?

Because covering the intricacies of World War 1 is a class in and of itself Because covering the intricacies of WWI is a DEGREE in and of itself. But then again so is WWII, Vietnam, the 100 years war etc. The main reason we don’t get much WWI in the US is that WWII had a much more dramatic impact on the US economy and gave the US its empire.

Would you take a class on World War 1?

Because covering the intricacies of World War 1 is a class in and of itself I would love to take that class. It’s something English schools cover in a semester for history when you’re around 14. It isn’t enough, as in my school you either choose history or geography.

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How important is World War 1 to you?

World War 1 was a huge turning point in the history of the world. The aftermath of the war had major effects on almost every continent, and you really see the inter-connectivity of the world when you study it. I’m not sure about schools outside of the US, but I know that here, it’s hardly touched other than basically saying “It’s complicated.”

What year of school do you learn about WWI?

I did VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) History in year 11 and 12 a few years ago, and among other things German involvement in WWI was covered in Year 11, and Russian involvement before and after the Russian Revolution was covered in Year 12. Im from Scotland, same here.