
Why were Germany and Austria-Hungary allies in ww1?

Why were Germany and Austria-Hungary allies in ww1?

Germany and Austria-Hungary had been closely allied since 1879. The treaty provided that Germany and Austria-Hungary were to assist Italy if it were attacked by France without Italian provocation; Italy would assist Germany if Germany were attacked by France.

Which sentence best describes influence of alliances on the start of World War I?

Which sentence best describes the influence of alliances on the start of World War I? Alliances delayed the beginning of World War I because nations were afraid to attack one another. Alliances forced member nations to settle their differences through talks rather than through armed attacks.

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What were the effects of alliances in ww1?

As France and Russia were sworn enemies, this alliance gave some of the European states some protection. Alliances prevented larger, stronger states from waging war on the smaller, weaker states. In the 1700s, alliances were both a defence measure and a political instrument.

Why was it difficult to make a peace settlement which would please all the Allies?

Why was it so difficult to make a peace settlement that would please everyone? All the Countries wanted different things and could not agree on what punishment the Germans should receive. Britain felt that the Treaty of Versailes was too harsh on the Germans where as France felt that it was not harsh enough.

Why did all the victors not get everything they wanted Igcse?

Why did all the victors not get everything they wanted? Because: the different victorious powers wanted different things, so there is no way that they could ALL get what they wanted. Wilson insisted on a League of Nations, even though Britain and France did not.

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Why did the victors not get all they wanted at the conference?

Different victors wanted different things, so they couldn’t ALL have everything they wanted. Britain and France did NOT want a League of Nations, but Wilson insisted on little else. Clemenceau wanted crippling reparations, Wilson and Lloyd George didn’t.

Why did Austria-Hungary fail in WW1?

Much of the Austrian failure in the First World War can be traced back to his long period of power. . . His power was that of the bureaucrat, not the fighting soldier, and his thirty years of command over the peacetime Habsburg Army made it a flabby instrument of war.

Who were the leaders of Austria-Hungary during WW1?

The key Hungarian leaders were prime minister István Tisza, minister István Burián, and advisor Lajos Thallóczy. Austria-Hungary avoided major wars in the era between 1867 and 1914 but engaged in a number of minor military actions.

Who were the principal Allied Powers in WW1?

The treaties signed at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919 recognised the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Japan and the United States as the ‘principal Allied powers’.

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What countries were in the Triple Alliance in WW1?

The Triple Alliance was originally composed of Germany, Austria–Hungary, and Italy, but Italy remained neutral in 1914. As the war progressed, each coalition added new members. Japan joined the Entente in 1914 and after proclaiming its neutrality at the beginning of the war, Italy also joined the Entente in 1915.