
Why was the Night King not killed by dragon fire?

Why was the Night King not killed by dragon fire?

As per why he thinks the Night King wasn’t killed by Drogon’s earlier onslaught of fire, he offered a simple explanation: “It was sort of an ice beats fire kind of thing. Williams went on to explain that the Night King could only be killed by “one savior, which was Arya.

Why didn’t Daenerys burn the Night King?

Originally Answered: Why didn’t Daenerys just have Drogo burn up the night king and end the war at the frozen lake? There are a lot of reasons. Drogon is one of her children, plus she is bonded to him as a dragonrider. She isn’t going to take risks with him against something unknown.

Why didn’t the Night King kill Drogon first?

The ice spear was thrown with a tremendous amount of force. But maybe killing Drogon was a stretch. He’s a bigger dragon, and looks to be more armored as well. Maybe the Night King wasn’t sure that it’d kill Drogon, and therefore he focused on the smaller, weaker dragons first. 2. Drogon was on the ground.

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Was the Night King trying to kill Rhaegal?

The Night King wasn’t trying to kill one dragon, he was trying to kill multiple dragons. He obviously did not stop at killing one. Though we didn’t see him throw a third spear, nor target Rhaegal specifically, it seems fair to assume that he was trying to kill all the dragons.

Does Daenerys save Jon Snow from the Night King?

In “Beyond the Wall” ( Game of Thrones, S07E06), the Night King throws a spear towards one of the three dragons, which is seen somewhere very far. Meanwhile, Daenerys, along with her other dragon, probably Drogon, is seen somewhat nearer to him and engaged in a mission to save Jon Snow on the ground.

Why don’t dragons have armor on their wings?

It’s also likely that the dragons are less armored near their wings, because armoring would chafe them during flying. They need a fair range of movement with their wings.