
Why was The Art of War book written?

Why was The Art of War book written?

The Art of War (Sunzi bingfa) is a 5th-century BCE military treatise written by the Chinese strategist Sun-Tzu (aka Sunzi or Sun Wu). Covering all aspects of warfare, it seeks to advise commanders on how to prepare, mobilise, attack, defend, and treat the vanquished.

Who wrote the Chinese book The Art of War?

Sun Tzu
The Art of War/Authors

Did Lao Tzu write The Art of War?

He is considered the author of The Art of War, though some historians assert his original Spring & Autumn period masterwork, filled with chivalry and honor, was amended during the Warring States period to include spying, cheating, bribing and other distinctly non-Confucian activities.

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When was The Art of War written?

It is hard to know exactly when The Art of War was written, but most scholars think it was written between 475 and 221 B.C.E., during the Warring States period. Scholars also cannot be sure about the details of the life of its author, Sunzi, but they believe he was a general working for the Wu state.

Was Sun Tzu a real person?

Sun Tzu is revered in Chinese and East Asian culture as a legendary historical and military figure. His birth name was Sun Wu (Chinese: 孫武) and he was known outside of his family by his courtesy name Changqing (Chinese: 長卿).

When was the original Art of War written?

When was The Art of War by Sun Tzu written?

When did The Art of War start?

The Art of War (Chinese: 孫子兵法) is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the Late Spring and Autumn Period (roughly 5th century BC)….The Art of War.

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Author (trad.) Sun Tzu
Publication date 5th century BC
Text The Art of War at Wikisource

Who wrote the art of war and why?

Sun Tzu was a Chinese general, military strategist, writer and philosopher who lived in the Eastern Zhou period of ancient China. Sun Tzu is traditionally credited as the author of The Art of War, an influential work of military strategy that has affected both Western and East Asian philosophy and military thinking. His works focus much more on alternatives to battle, such as stratagem, delay, the use of spies and alternatives to war itself, the making and keeping of alliances, the uses of decei

Is the art of war a long book?

The Art of War. Scholars have long believed that The Art of War’s author was a Chinese military leader named Sun Tzu , or Sunzi. Today, however, many people think that there was no Sun Tzu: Instead, they argue, the book is a compilation of generations of Chinese theories and teachings on military strategy.

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What is the Best Art of war book?

The best edition of The Art of War by Sun Tzu is the one they use at university courses: “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu. It was translated by a collaboration project between Chinese and American universities, so this one is the official version of Sun Tzu and The Art of War for academic purposes.

When did Sun Tzu write the art of war?

SUN TZU 孙武 (554 BCE – 496 BCE), translated by Lionel GILES (1875 – 1958) “The Art of War is a Chinese military treatise written during the 6th century BC by Sun Tzu.