Why was Snape not allowed to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts?

Why was Snape not allowed to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts?

Snape had applied for the post of the DADA teacher for 16 years but was refused each time. Dumbledore didn’t want to give Snape the chance to be close to the Dark Arts because he believed that it would lure him towards them. Besides, Snape was a phenomenal Potions Master.

Why is there always a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?

Voldemort applied to teach the subject not once, but twice. As explained by Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Voldemort cursed the position after that, resulting in the school being unable to “keep a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for longer than a year.”

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Why did Dumbledore not make Snape teach defense?

When J. K. Rowling was asked why Dumbledore would not give Severus Snape the Defence Against the Dark Arts job, Rowling responded that Dumbledore believed that teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts would bring out Snape’s worst side, though Dumbledore finally relented in Harry’s sixth year.

Why did Snape lose interest in the Dark Arts?

Furthermore, it was subtly implied that he lost his interest in the Dark Arts after he lost Lily because of them. Finally, Harry’s favorite subject was Defense Against the Dark Arts, and as petty as it is, Snape maintained the sort of pride that would not enjoy pining for the teaching position that was Harry’s favorite.

Why doesn’t Dumbledore make Severus Snape the teacher of defense against Dark Arts?

Dumbledore chooses not to place Snape in that position because Severus was very important person for him at that time. However you’re wrong here cause he was made the teacher of Defence Against Dark Arts in the sixth book (Half Blood Prince).

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Can Snape teach you to bottle fame and brew Glory?

“I found Snape’s introduction to his subject quite compelling (‘I can teach you to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death…’),” she writes. “ [A]pparently part of me found Potions quite as interesting as Snape did; and indeed I always enjoyed creating potions in the books, and researching ingredients for them.”

Why didn’t Dumbledore fire Snape for being a terrible teacher?

Albus Dumbledore didn’t fire Snape for being a terrible teacher because Severus Snape was a f****g brilliant Potions master, just like McGonagall was an amazing Transfiguration teacher and Flitwick was a marvelous Charms teacher. But Snape is viewed through Harry’s eyes, and bad teacher behavior is overlooked in teachers Harry likes. Hagrid.