
Why was Anakin so angry at Obi-Wan?

Why was Anakin so angry at Obi-Wan?

Star Wars: Darth Vader #5 confirms why Anakin Skywalker truly hated Obi-Wan Kenobi. It mostly stemmed from Anakin feeling disrespected and being angry the Jedi Council wouldn’t promote or trust him as much as he felt he deserved.

What was Anakin’s biggest mistake?

Star Wars: Anakin’s 10 Biggest Mistakes (That We Can Learn From)

  • 3 Trusting Palpatine.
  • 4 Impatience & Arrogance with the jedi.
  • 5 Constantly Using Heart-Over-Head.
  • 6 Mistrusting Padmé
  • 7 Slaughtering The Tusken Raiders.
  • 8 Not Confiding in Obi-Wan.
  • 9 Losing His Lightsaber.
  • 10 Rushing into a fight with dooku.

Why was Anakin crying in Revenge of the Sith?

Anakin was crying in Revenge of the Sith, because he couldn’t come to terms with what he had just done. He just took down the order he had been apart of for 14 years, killed all his friends, masters, and even children.

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Is Anakin Skywalker a good or bad person?

Anakin is a good person. He was just following orders because he was thinking that this was the only way to save Padme but he actually didn’t like the things he was doing. He was just trying to convince himself that the things he was doing were right.

What was the moment Anakin turned to the Dark Side?

Thus the cry face: For me, the moment Anakin truly, consciously, turned to the Dark Side was neither when he killed the younglings, nor when he cut off Master Windu’s hand -those were knee-jerk reactions. The moment was when Padme came and he couldn’t convince her to join him and then Obi-wan suddenly appeared.

What is the key trait that distinguishes Darth Vader from Anakin?

The key trait that distinguishes Darth Vader from Anakin is anger. Darth Vader may have a cool exterior, so he is not actively angry; but Anakin’s character is consumed by anger, and therefore forgoes an intellectual approach. This isn’t limited to Star Wars, it is a basic form of human behavior.