Why should you let your kid drive?

Why should you let your kid drive?

It’s freedom. It is so important for people to learn to drive a car. Unless you live in a city with public transportation, your teen is going to need to get around and not have you chauffering them for the rest of their lives. Your teen should take the initiative on taking the learners permit test.

In which age should kids drive a car?

Driving Age by State

State Learner’s Permit Restricted License
California 15, 6 mos. 16
Colorado 15 16
Connecticut 16 16, 4 mos.
Delaware 16 16, 6 mos.

Why Indian parents live with their children?

Sons as support for the declining years. The main reason Indian parents prefer sons is that Indians expect to depend on them in their old age. More than three-fourths (77 percent) of the respondents said they expect to live with their sons when old. States in the south see higher percentages than the national average.

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Why is driving so hard in India?

Metros in India are extremely congested and the drivers can appear to be rough in their approach towards beating the traffic. In Delhi alone there are 2 million vehicles. The roads also play a part in making driving difficult. This article will give you tips for driving safely in India.

Why can’t kids drive at 16?

Teen drivers, particularly 16- and 17-year-olds, have high fatal crash rates because of their immaturity and limited driving experience, which often result in high-risk behavior behind the wheel. Peer pressure is an especially potent factor.

Can parents let kids drive?

As for California regulations, minors (under 18) are issued what’s called a provisional license. During the first 12 months after getting a license, they cannot drive other teens unless accompanied by a parent or guardian, a licensed driver age 25 or older, or a licensed or certified driving instructor in the car.

Why 16 should be the driving age?

Pro: Increased Responsibility While many feel that 16 is too young for teenagers to be driving due to immaturity or lack of experience, driving at a young age can increase responsibility. Teens with a driver’s license must learn quickly to look out for their own safety, as well as the safety of those around them.

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Why do Indians live in joint family?

Alice Evans, a social scientist at King’s College London who is researching a book on gender equality, believes Indians continue to live in joint families because strong family bonds encourage family business and low employment of women which, in turn, strengthens family ties.

How can I divorce my parents in India?

Following is the procedure to file for mutual divorce in India: STEP 1: Draft a petition stating the reason for seeking a divorce and both the parties have agreed on it. STEP 2: File the petition jointly through respective lawyers before the family court.

Is driving a car easy in India?

Is driving a car hard? A. Driving a car can be as easy as running or walking once you get comfortable behind the wheel. For this, you need to practice hard, keep in mind all the rules and traffic laws and familiarize yourself well with the vehicle.