
Why should a 12 year old get an Apple watch?

Why should a 12 year old get an Apple watch?

Reasons to buy Having a watch on your child’s wrist makes it less likely that the paired phone will be ‘accidentally’ forgotten or (genuinely) lost, so you’ll always know where they are. Less reason to pull it out of your bag means less opportunity to lose it. With the Apple Watch, it’s always on you.

What age should you get an Apple watch?

An Apple Watch can be suitable for children from the age of 10 and encourages a healthier lifestyle. The Family Setup feature also allows parents to pair their iPhone with their children’s Apple Watch and thus communicate with and monitor them at all times.

How do I convince my parents to buy me a watch?

Convincing your parents is a lesson in persuasion. First, find an inexpensive ($15.00 or less) watch that you like. Get a picture of it, and know where you could buy it, and exactly what price. Second, and most importantly, make a list of things that will improve if you have a watch.

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How do you trick your parents into buying you a phone?

Encourage a good mood in your parents before you ask, by being extra polite and doing any chores you might have before they ask. To improve your chances of a yes before you ask for your new phone, you also might: Turn on your parents’ favorite music. Talk about an experience where you both had fun.

Are Apple watches allowed in school?

Unless they are being used for instructional purposes with the consent of the teacher, Apple Watches are no longer allowed to be used. So while time may be up for this sort of wearable technology, at least students won’t be distracted by them at school or during class.

How do you manipulate parents to get what you want?

10 Sure Ways to Get Whatever You Want From Your Parents

  1. Ask with gratitude, show appreciation!
  2. Trade what you want for what you can do.
  3. Make them look good.
  4. Match funds.
  5. Earn credit, slowly.
  6. Be part of the solution, not the problem.
  7. Ask for delayed response.
  8. Stage your requests carefully.
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Will Apple Watch 7 have a camera?

No, the Apple Watch Series 7 does not feature a built-in camera. However, you can purchase a third-party accessory, like the Wristcam, to add two cameras to your Apple Watch.

How can I convince my parents to buy me a Mac?

You want a Mac. Show your parents you love Apple and not Windows PC or Microsoft. Show your excitement around Apple products. Have a friend bring a Mac (recommended) or another Apple product over to show you and your parents. Act fascinated around it to show your parents.

How can I convince my parents to pay for my phone?

Be sure to include a copy of your budget which includes the amount you’ll be able to contribute to the phone. Place all of these documents in a folder, which will be part of your presentation to your parents. Ask to sit down with your parents. It’s important that you choose the right time and place to have this conversation with your parents.

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Can my child use an Apple Watch without an iPhone?

Previously, Apple Watch users needed an iPhone of their very own to pair their watch with. If you weren’t ready to get your child a phone, there was no way they were able to use an Apple Watch either, no matter how much they begged for one. That’s not true anymore.

Should you tell your parents you have an iPhone?

While an iPhone can be a helpful tool for school (more on that later), your parents may be worried that it will distract you from your studies. Before you talk to your parents about getting an iPhone, take a careful, honest look at your grades.