Why my parents wont let me play games?

Why my parents wont let me play games?

Try to change your parents misguided beliefs as to why you can’t play. Find them out, change them. Maybe they just feel you’ve been spending too much time playing games and are worried it isn’t healthy for you. Keep track of how long you have played each week and set down an amount of time with them.

How do I convince my mom to let me play video games?

You have to talk to them gentally and ask them some history questions about anything you like soon as you notice your parents are trusting you and are very happy šŸ˜ƒ you have to go up to them and ask gentally so they really are convinced about you that’s how you convince you parents to let you play video games.

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Should I let my kid play on the weekdays?

New Oxford Study Says Yes. An hour a day keeps the doctor away. A new study featured in the August volume of Pediatrics suggests that playing video games for an hour a day is positively related to a child’s social adjustment, happiness, as well as a reduction in hyperactivity.

Do my parents disapprove of me playing video games?

They may however disapprove of video games on the whole and are using your gender as an easy excuse. The only way to be sure is to have a brother and see if he is allowed to play video games. However that is neither here nor there. Obey your parents until you move out then do what you want. Find examples of women who are successful and gamers.

How do I convince my parents to buy a Nintendo Switch?

, Playing video games since I was 6 years old. Try to save up money and secretly buy a nintendo switch. Only do this if ur parents cant be reasoned with. The nintendo switch is a hybrid console. You can hook it up to the tv or play it hand held mode any where u go.

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Are computer games good or bad for You?

Playing computer games can be good for you in a number of ways. Be honest, you want to be smarter. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with that. Studies consistently demonstrate that intelligence is among the most desirable qualities a person has.

What are the benefits of playing video games?

Just about all of the most popular video games have some requirement for problem-solving and/or critical thinking. This promotes adaptability and cognitive flexibility. These are really important skills to have in any kind of problem-solving task. 3. Gaming keeps your mind active.