Why is my ex lying to me about my friends?

Why is my ex lying to me about my friends?

If you were clingy or needy with your ex in your past relationship, you’re probably telling yourself, “my ex is lying” because he or she might be trying to teach you a lesson. You’re in a situation saying “my ex is lying to our friends” or “my ex is lying to our family” because they are waiting to see how you will react.

Is it my fault that my ex lied to me?

It’s not your fault that your ex lied, but if you want to avoid it happening again, then make sure that never put yourself in a position where a woman wants to dump you like that again. Watch this if you want to learn how to make a woman never want to leave you:

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Why does my ex make me want to contact him?

Baiting – Your ex creates some kind of drama to make you contact them e.g. send you a text, email or call saying they have something important to tell you, they’re going through something and need you (for emotional support) etc. Most people if they have something important to tell you just come out right and tell you what it is.

Why does my ex husband hate me so much?

For those who feel like “My ex hates me,” here are 8 reasons why he might be angry and hateful towards you: 1. Stress and Fear. Separation, the divorce process, and the huge life change of divorce might be one of the most stressful situations a person will endure. It also causes tremendous fear.

Should you learn the real reasons behind your ex’s breakup?

It means that, generally speaking, learning the REAL reasons behind your ex’s decision to break up won’t really help you much if you want to win them back.

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Why won’t my Ex Tell Me the truth?

There’s 2 reasons for this: Your ex wanted to avoid hurting you by telling you the painful truth (like, for instance, they’re secretly leaving you for your best friend or because you’ve gained 140 pounds in the past 3 months) They just don’t want to get into another big fight or drawn-out, drama-filled discussion about it.

How do you know if your ex boyfriend is coming back?

A big sign that an ex will come back is when they go out of their way to remain close to you. You notice that they’re making an effort to call and message you, they propose hanging out, and they’re even coming to you for advice about things that they could ask literally anyone else.