
Why is it so hard to give tickets to cops?

Why is it so hard to give tickets to cops?

Also alot of the time when people make small talk and have somewhat of a conversation it humanizes the people were dealing with and makes it harder for us to give someone a ticket. Cops are people too we have feels.

Why did he get out of a speeding ticket so quickly?

He asked for radar proof from the officer, as you can only gauge speed without radar if you are BEHIND or NEXT TO someone. It is also impossible to GET accurate radar while moving. So he got out of that ticket instantly because i guess people usually accept the ticket, never questioning a cop.

Should I plead guilty or not guilty to a traffic ticket?

Every day people across the United States are stopped by police officers and issued traffic tickets. Often, what comes next is a big hassle. Alleged offenders have the choice of pleading guilty and accepting the punishment or pleading not guilty and incurring the time and expense of defending themselves in court.

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Does copping an attitude prevent a speeding ticket?

A police officer answering a question about speeding on AskReddit said that honesty and courtesy go a long way towards not getting a ticket, and that copping an attitude is a great way to guarantee being written up.

Is it illegal for a police officer to deny misconduct?

It’s probably not illegal, but it’s extremely unwise. People argue with the police all the time. In most cases, they are denying misconduct the officer is pretty sure they have actually committed. As I type this, I’m watching an episode of COPS.

What can a police officer do if you argue with him?

The officer can do nothing, issue a citation, write a report and seek an arrest warrant, or make a probable cause arrest, depending on the circumstances. If you argue with the police, you are likely pushing him toward the enforcement option.

Do police often physically assault people for no reason?

Yes, yes police do often physically assault people for inexcusable reasons. Thank you for confirming the problem the grownups are trying to solve here. Stop interrupting adult conversations designed to accomplish that. Why do people do this?