
Why is it rude to ask how much someone paid for?

Why is it rude to ask how much someone paid for?

Q: Is it OK to ask a person how much something costs? Etiquette is about putting other people at ease. When you ask how much they paid for something, it can make them uncomfortable; they may not want you to know how much they make, and most people don’t like to flaunt their wealth.

Is it polite to ask how much something costs?

“Never ask someone how much something costs — this can be a gift, holiday travel expenses or a holiday budget,” said Joy Weaver, a protocol and etiquette expert.

Is it okay to ask someone how much they paid for their house?

Yes, it’s rude. In the two examples you cited, it’s fairly straightforward to find the price of the item in question. So what you are really asking is whether this person is a chump, and if they negotiated a good price or not.

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How do you respond to how much does it cost?

and you’re not ready to share that with them, here are a four ways to respond:

  1. Offer a range in price. We all sell complex services; however, some of our services are more complex than others.
  2. “It depends”
  3. Present your fees next to expected returns.
  4. Ask the question back.

Is it normal to tell people how much you make?

There is nothing wrong in telling, until and unless you don’t compare your salary with the other person. Yes I did tell one of my colleague about my salary and only then she got know she was paid the same even after 2yrs of working in the company.

What do you say when someone asks how much you pay for your house?

Here’s What to Say When a Nosy Friend Asks How Much Your House Cost

  • USE YOUR SPOUSE FOR BACKUP: “Jim and I decided that we wouldn’t talk about the price.”
  • KEEP IT LIGHT: “How much did we pay? More than I would have liked!”
  • TELL THE TRUTH: “I’m sorry, I’m not really comfortable talking about the cost.”
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Is it rude to ask someone how much money they make?

I recently asked on Twitter whether it’s rude to inquire how much money someone makes. A lot of people answered with a yes. Here’s a response that nicely sums up the ins and outs of asking about salary: “ [It’s] very rude if the underlying objective is to judge the person based on how much money they make.

Why don’t people like to be told how much to pay?

They don’t want to be called out for paying too much. They don’t like to be shamed or guilted for buying something extravagant. They feel providing cost vulgarizes their transaction. They’re conceited and think if you were at their level you would know. They’re private individuals and simply believe it’s none of your beeswax.

Is it rude to ask a co-worker how much they make?

A lot of people answered with a yes. Here’s a response that nicely sums up the ins and outs of asking about salary: “ [It’s] very rude if the underlying objective is to judge the person based on how much money they make. But I found I was being paid less than some of my colleagues at one point so that was a good thing!”

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Is it rude to ask someone if they know what they know?

It is rude in certain circumstances, but not all. If there’s a reason the person needs to know – for example, you’re applying to rent an apartment or buy a car – then they have a legitimate reason to ask. If the person has no legitimate reason why they need to know, they might just be nosy.