
Why is high resistance connected to galvanometer?

Why is high resistance connected to galvanometer?

We can construct ammeters using a galvanometer by attaching a high resistance in parallel to the galvanometer. The parallel combination ensures that all current flows through the galvanometer while the high resistance doesn’t allow current to pass through itself.

Why do ammeters have high resistance?

This is because an ammeter is connected in series in a circuit. Hence, it’s resistance adds to the total resistance of the circuit. If the resistance of the ammeter would be high, the total resistance would be high. This would decrease the amount of current flowing through the circuit.

Why is a high resistance required to convert a galvanometer into a voltmeter?

In order to convert a galvanometer to a voltmeter, a high resistance is connected to it in series. Since voltmeter can measure the potential voltage more accurately only with the help of high resistance.

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Why do we use high resistance voltmeter in an experiment?

A voltmeter measures the voltage difference between two different points, but it should not change the amount of current going through the element between those two points. So, it should have very high resistance so that it doesn’t allow current to pass through it.

What is the function of high resistance connected series with the galvanometer does it affect the balance point?

the high resistance with the galvanometer is just to limit the current through the galvanometer when the voltage across the galvanometer is high because the internal resistance of the galvanometer is very low for high PD it can burn . so we put high resistance to keep it safe . it doesn’t effect the balance point .

Why should the resistance of an ammeter be low or high give reason?

Answer : The resistance of an ammeter should be low because ammeter is connected in series in the circuit and if resistance will be high, no current will flow through the circuit.

Why must a high resistance are usually connected in series with an electrostatic voltmeter?

The voltmeter is only there to measure the difference, i.e. the voltage, at two points. The load of course wants the maximum of current and hence the high resistance in the voltmeter, so that the current is not splited up and wasted unnecessarily on the voltmeter.

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What is the relation between resistance of galvanometer and resistance of voltmeter?

Since Galvanometer is a very sensitive instrument, therefore it can not measure high potential difference. In order to convert a Galvanometer into voltmeter, a very high resistance known as “series resistance” is connected in series with the galvanometer.

Why should galvanometer have low or high resistance?

Hint: Galvanometer is the device which shows us the direct current flow direction and the magnitude of the current. Due to this we can not use a device with high resistance to measure current flow. That’s why resistance of the galvanometer is very low which can be negligible at some point.

Why should a high resistance galvanometer be connected in series?

A high resistance should be connected in series with the galvanometer so as to increase its resistance.Such high resistance galvanometer ( voltmeter) is used in parallel with the circuit to measure the potential difference. A high resistance may not introduce any change in the value of potential difference to be measured.

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How do you use a galvanometer to measure voltage?

The galvanometer can be used to measure: a) the value of current in the circuit by connecting it in parallel to low resistance. b) the voltage by connecting it in series with high resistance. A galvanometer is converted into an ammeter by connecting it in parallel with a low resistance called shunt resistance.

Why does a voltmeter need a high resistance?

As a voltmeter is connected across the supply or the load across which maximum voltage is applied current will be very high, and to bring it to a small value ( few milli-amp) a very high resistance is added in series to the gslvanometer coil.

How do you find the shunt resistance of a galvanometer?

When current I G passes through the galvanometer, the current through the shunt resistance is given by I S = I – I G. The voltages across the galvanometer and shunt resistance are equal due to the parallel nature of their connection. Therefore R G.I G = (I- I G).R s The value of S can be obtained using the above equation.