Why is he flirting with me when he is married?

Why is he flirting with me when he is married?

The majority of married men flirt to feed their desire of being wanted. Even though he’s married, he wants confirmation that he’s still attractive, not just within his married life. He wants and needs a boost to his self-esteem, ego, and confidence. It may be that he doesn’t feel wanted or desired by his wife.

How do you tell if a married man likes you more than a friend?

If he sulks about his married life and tells you about all his issues with his spouse, then it is an unmistakable sign a married man likes you more than a friend. He may even exaggerate or makeup issues and continually tell you how unhappy he is at home and how he is never at peace.

What does it mean when a Guy talks about his wife?

If it’s good things,that probably means he’s very much in love with his wife. If it’s not so nice things,they’re probably having issues. He could be just expressing his feelings,or maybe trying to garner some sympathy.That’s just two of the most likely scenarios. It could be a myriad of other things as well.

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Will a man stop talking about his wife after a while?

If there is not too much on his mind, he wil probably stop mentioning his wife after a while. Humans tend to terminate behaviours that are not reinforced. P.S: This is not an acid test to detect sexual predators.

What does it mean when a man sees you as his future wife?

When a man starts to include you in his life in this way, just know that he already sees you as his future wife. In due time, he will be looking to take that next step to make sure that you’re in his life forever.

How do I deal with a husband who is backsliding?

Don’t vent your frustration when he seems to be backsliding. Allow him to talk about his wife when he feels the need, and respect his desire for privacy when he wants to be alone.