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Why is gravity considered a fundamental force?

Why is gravity considered a fundamental force?

We describe gravity on the basis of general relativity as being due to the curvature of spacetime caused by distributions of mass. This cannot be obtained from any other force theory (strong, weak or electromagnetic) as a special case or a consequence. So, it must be taken as fundamental.

Is gravity one of the four fundamental forces?

fundamental force, also called fundamental interaction, in physics, any of the four basic forces—gravitational, electromagnetic, strong, and weak—that govern how objects or particles interact and how certain particles decay.

Is gravity still considered a fundamental force?

Gravity is the only fundamental force that physicists can currently describe without using force-carrying particles.

What does general relativity say about gravity?

GETTING A GRIP ON GRAVITY Einstein’s general theory of relativity explains gravity as a distortion of space (or more precisely, spacetime) caused by the presence of matter or energy. A massive object generates a gravitational field by warping the geometry of the surrounding spacetime.

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How is gravity different from the other fundamental forces?

Explanation: The electromagnetic force is effected by the photon. These particles are the way the force is transmitted. Gravity on the other hand is a consequence of the curvature of space time as described by Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity.

What is the main idea of general relativity?

What is general relativity? Essentially, it’s a theory of gravity. The basic idea is that instead of being an invisible force that attracts objects to one another, gravity is a curving or warping of space. The more massive an object, the more it warps the space around it.

Why is gravity not like other forces?

According to Einstein, gravity is a feature of the space-time medium; the other forces of nature play out on that stage. Physicists think that in this truer theory, gravity must have a quantum form, like the other forces of nature. Researchers have sought the quantum theory of gravity since the 1930s.

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What is the relation between gravity and energy quantisation?

A force, as I understand it, involves the interaction of matter particles with each other via a field. An energy quantisation of the field is the force carrying particle of the field. In the case of gravity though, particles don’t interact with one another in this way. General relativity describes how space-time is distorted by energy.

Why is gravity viewed as a force?

Gravity is viewed as a force because it isa force. A force $F$ is something that makes objects of mass $m$ accelerate according to $F=ma$.

What is the definition of gravity according to Einstein?

Gravity is accurately described by Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, in which gravity is not treated as a force but a consequence of the curvature of spacetime which is caused by the uneven distribution of masses.

Does the gravity of an object depend on its mass?

To be more specific, the Gravity of an object depends on the mass of that object. It is undoubtedly the weakest known force in nature and thus plays no role in determining the internal properties of everyday matter. Weight is defined as the force with which a body is attracted to the earth by gravitation.