
Why is friction A Necessary?

Why is friction A Necessary?

Friction is a necessary evil because it has both harmful and beneficial effects. (i) We can walk easily because the ground offers friction. With less friction, the walking situation becomes almost impossible. Therefore, friction is necessary even for a simple task like walking.

Why is friction a necessary evil give any two points to support your answer?

friction is said to be a necessary evil because it is useful as well as harmful . Friction helps us to walk , write , hold things , lift objects so it is necessary in our lives . without friction many essential processes can not be done .

What is necessary evil in biology?

Transpiration is called necessary evil because the increase in the rate of transpiration results in drying up (wilting) of the leaves. As the leaves turn dry, the plant eventually dies.

Is friction necessary support your answer?

Friction Is A Necessary Evil For example, without friction, we cannot hold objects in our hands; we cannot walk and cannot light a match stick. Sometimes friction is not desirable, for example friction between machinery parts, which causes wear and tear.

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Is friction and frictional force a necessary evil?

Driving on a frictionless surface is impossible since your vehicle will be sliding away or probably staying in the same place. Considering this an essential part in Physics has innumerable reasons. Still, at the same time with so many disadvantages, it will not be entirely wrong to call Friction and Frictional Force a Necessary Evil.

What would happen if there were no frictional forces?

Imagine a world without frictional forces, where you won’t be able to move your vehicle since there is no friction between the road and your car or bike. Same goes for walking as it helps to prevent sliding and holds the grip. It is evident that friction exists everywhere from lifting a book to writing with a pen.

What is friction and how does it help us?

Frictional forces are the reason why your car comes to a standstill if you don’t accelerate. We see examples all around us where frictional forces act. It is something that we cannot live with and something we cannot live without. In this article, we will explore friction, how it helps us, and how it harms us. Let’s start with its advantages.

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Why is frictional force bad for a car engine?

In order to establish a grip, it is important to have a frictional force to prevent things from slipping and falling down. However, with so many necessary elements associated with friction, it still works as evil at times. This chapter of Physics states how frictional force generates an excessive amount of heat inside car engines and can be risky.