
Why is Bible called the Living Word of God?

Why is Bible called the Living Word of God?

When a person truly hears the word of God and receives it into their heart, that word becomes a spiritual seed, quickened by the Holy Spirit, and it produces new life. It is the word of God. In John 6:63, Jesus said it is the Spirit that gives life. So, it is the Spirit of God using the word of God that produces life.

What is meant by the Bible is the word of God?

Transcript. Scripture speaks of “the Word of God,” meaning “the things God has said.” But Scripture also uses the phrase “the Word of God” as a name. Specifically, as a name for Jesus Christ.

What does it mean to live by God’s word?

That simply means that what that person is saying is not important and that it doesn’t hold any truth or substance. Many people thinks that God is that way but I want you to know that the Words of God that is recorded in the Bible is truth and they that believe in those Words will find life, peace and joy.

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What is the inspired and living word of God?

In the second reading, Paul says: “Indeed, the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” This is one of my favourite passages from Paul.

Is the Bible the Word of God or it contains the word of God?

“All Scripture.” Therefore, the Bible does not merely ‘contain’ God’s Word, but it all ‘is’ God’s Word! If the Bible merely ‘contained’ the Word of God, then that would mean that some small portion of the Bible was ‘not’ the Word of God.

What is the difference between the word of God and the Bible?

The “word of God” existed before the Bible existed. The Bible is a collection of texts written by numerous authors who all received a word from God.

How do we live according to God?

Following God’s Plan for Your Life:

  1. Be in prayer. A way to know that you are following God’s plan for your life is by being in prayer.
  2. Be actively reading in the Word.
  3. Follow the commands He puts on your heart.
  4. Seek a godly community.
  5. Obey the Truth.
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What are the importance of the word of God?

God’s word is powerful because it has a purpose which He wants it to accomplish. Each chapter and verse is there for a purpose and reason. Sometimes the purpose of the Word of God is to discipline us because we are God’s children and He loves us. At times it heals us, comforts us and protects us.

Why do they call Jesus the Word?

“Jesus is the Word because through him all things are made,” says Jonathan, 8. “What he said became. By presenting Jesus Christ as the Word through which all things were created, John is saying that God chose Jesus as his messenger/messiah to tell us about himself. Jesus is God and the revealer of God the Father.

Why does the Bible call Jesus “the word”?

John’s purpose is to establish the fact that Jesus is God and man in one person. By presenting Jesus Christ as the Word through which all things were created, John is saying that God chose Jesus as his messenger/messiah to tell us about himself. Jesus is God and the revealer of God the Father.

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What does the Bible say about gods word?

Jesus also proclaimed that the Bible is true: Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth (John 17:17). Finally, the concept of God’s Word being true points back to the idea that the Bible is, well, God’s Word. In other words, because the Bible comes from God, we can have confidence that it communicates truth.

What does the Bible say about studying gods word?

One of the most important benefits of studying God’s Word is that it gives us life (both spiritual AND physical)! Scripture teaches that man doesn’t live by bread alone, but by the word of God (Mt. 4:4). Studying the Word doesn’t just give us spiritual life, but also physical life! The same idea is confirmed in other places in the Bible, as well:

What does the Bible say about power of God?

The Bible does teach that God is Almighty, that his power is not limited by anyone other than himself. (Job 37:23; Isaiah 40:26) However, he does not use his power to control everything. For example, the Bible says that God was “exercising self-control” toward ancient Babylon, an enemy of his people.