Tips and tricks

Why is being closed-minded bad?

Why is being closed-minded bad?

Closed-minded people don’t want their ideas challenged. They are typically frustrated that they can’t get the other person to agree with them instead of curious as to why the other person disagrees. Closed-minded people are more interested in proving themselves right than in getting the best outcome.

Is close minded or closed?

Closed-minded is traditionally correct, and still recommended by the more respected publications, but close-minded has been commonly used for some time. See the chart below comparing the two in English publications this century.

Is closed minded good?

We’re protected against bad advice. When you’re closed to input, you’ve eliminated the risk that the criticism or advice is wrong or even is designed to hurt you. Sometimes, we’re insufficiently knowledgeable or secure enough to accurately judge someone’s input.

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Is close minded a real word?

close-minded Not tolerant of the beliefs or opinions of others, for example: bigoted, hidebound, illiberal, intolerant, narrow-minded.

What is the opposite of close minded?

What is the opposite of close-minded?

open-minded broad-minded
easygoing permissive
fair-minded non-judgemental
fair non-discriminatory
unconfined prejudice-free

Do people who are close-minded tend to never grow?

Yes, indeed, people who are close-minded tend to never take responsibilities for their actions, and don’t really grow. I’m thrilled to see that you are an opened-minded person and the fact that you are reading blogs such as this one really shows that.

What does it mean to be closed-minded?

According to a dictionary this is the definition of closed-minded: “ Intolerant of the beliefs and opinions of others; stubbornly unreceptive to new ideas ”. According to this definition close-minded means two main things “ intolerant ” and “ unreceptive ”.

What would you say to older generations in the workplace?

I’d say to the older generations, to company bosses, and to politicians: “Let’s stop talking about what’s gone wrong or what’s going wrong — let’s plant trees together and save our future.” ‘It’s older people who get to call the shots on pensions — yet they no longer have to cough up.’

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Does Generation Y have no interest in the Home Office?

The notion that Generation Y has no interest in professional success and thinks of the home office as synonymous with doing nothing is certainly not new — and unfortunately, it’s firmly rooted in the minds of many among the older generation.