
Why English is so important in Pakistan?

Why English is so important in Pakistan?

The Importance of English in Pakistan “English is . . . an important medium in a number of key educational institutions, is the main language of technology and international business, has a major presence in the media, and is a key means of communication among a national elite.

What are language attitudes in Pakistan?

Unfortunately, the Pakistani youth have a dismissive rather derogatory attitude towards their mother tongue. All their activities whether they are professional, intellectual or the cultural activities, take place in national i.e. Urdu or international language i.e. English language (Khokhlova, 2014).

How many people of Pakistan can speak English?


Country Eligible population Total English speakers
Pakistan 208,800,150 (2020) 49
Nigeria 206,200,000 (2020) 86.42
Philippines 110,000,000 58.2
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What is the scope of English in Pakistan?

English Literature Scope in Pakistan Many colleges and universities teach English Literature. Hence, the demand is there. Students enjoy pursuing a bachelors or even a master degree in English Literature. Majority of students graduate in this subject to prepare for civil services examination.

What is attitude in SLA?

Uses the term ‘attitude’ to refer to the set of beliefs that the learner holds towards members of the target language group and also towards his own culture.

Do all Pakistanis know English?

English is one of Pakistan’s official languages, along with Urdu. Although virtually nobody in Pakistan speaks English as a first language, around 49\% of the population do speak it as a second language.

Is speaking English an advantage?

Increased Brainpower. Many believe learning a second language increases mental flexibility. Studies show that learning English as a second language can result in many cognitive benefits. Sharper memory, increased creativity, and complex problem-solving skills, to name a few.

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Why do students choose BS in English?

An English degree prepares students to be careful and passionate readers, critical and creative thinkers, and highly effective researchers and communicators. English majors are in high demand among employers because of their communication, writing, research and critical thinking skills. …

What is the role of English in Pakistan?

In Pakistan, English serves as a first language for a few highly Anglicized people, as a second language for a larger affluent and highly educated group, and as a third/foreign language for all

What percentage of Pakistan speaks English as a second language?

This is also the reason why Pakistan is the 3rd Biggest English Speaking Population in the world. 49\% population of Pakistan speaks English as a second language while 8\% speaks it as a first language which makes 57\% population of Pakistan “English-speaking”.

Is English a passport to better employment and upward social mobility in Pakistan?

This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn’t claimed this research yet. English is perceived as a passport to better employment and upward social mobility in Pakistan.

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What is the official language of Pakistan?

In the country of Pakistan, English is a co-official language with Urdu. Linguist Tom McArthur reports that English is used as a second language “by a national minority of c .3 million in a population of c .133 million.” The slang term Pinglish is sometimes used as an informal (and often unflattering) synonym for Pakistani English .