
Why dont they close the doors on helicopters?

Why dont they close the doors on helicopters?

Military helicopters, other than the special VIP units, are not air conditioned. They leave the doors open in hot weather for ventilation.

Why do army helicopters fly with doors open?

The first door gunners used standard rifles. This gives the door gunner more maneuverability and keeps them from falling out. As helicopters were not initially designed for door gunners, they would leave the door open or remove it from its hinges.

Why do helicopters have windows on the bottom?

These fall into a category known as vertical reference windows. They can be used for many purposes, but essentially, they allow us to gain a better spatial picture of the orientation of our aircraft, the skids, and anything that might be slung beneath the aircraft.

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Is it possible to fall out of a helicopter?

To fall out of a helicopter, your center of gravity would have to lie outside of the aircraft. Because helicopters tend to bank smoothly when they accelerate, your center of gravity stays within the aircraft.

Can a civilian buy a Blackhawk helicopter?

No you cannot own or operate a H-60. They are not FAA certified nor can you get a license to operate one. You can buy a S-70 which is Sikorsky’s civil version of the H-60. There are quite a few differences in the air frames, available engines, avionics and control systems.

What is it like to be in an open helicopter?

The reason that the occupants are so calm about being in an open helicopter are because they are strapped in. There are many configurations that open helicopters can have, some with seats and some not. The seats are generally removable, connecting to points on the floor.

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Can a police helicopter look through a window?

The main reasons that a police helicopter would be granted permission to look through a window is when authorized by the police force when conducting reconnaissance, investigations, or providing aerial oversight.

Why don’t you fall out of helicopters when they turn?

You don’t fall, even in the turns because of the the direction of the body acceleration is toward the helicopter floor, including when the pilot turns. So the body is maintained with a force towards the floor, never towards the open door. On my first ride out to the jungle (Vietnam), I looked for a seat. There weren’t any.

Why do police helicopter cameras have cameras?

Most police helicopters are able to establish a live downlink of the video feed to police headquarters and to the individual police cruisers from the camera. This gives good peace of mind to most civilians knowing that a rogue camera operator would soon be observed and punished.