
Why does the moon have a greater effect on the tides than the sun quizlet?

Why does the moon have a greater effect on the tides than the sun quizlet?

Ocean tides are influenced more by the moon than by the sun because although our sun has greater mass and therefore greater gravity, gravity is also affected by distance, so the moon has a stronger gravitational pull on the ocean than the sun does because the moon is much closer to Earth.

Why are there tides in oceans but not lakes?

Tides occur mainly in oceans because that is basically one huge body of water that is free to move all over the earth. Lakes and rivers do not cover enough area to have their water be moved significantly by gravity, or in other words, to have tides.

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Why does the moon exert a greater force on tides as compared to the sun?

The ocean tides on earth are caused by both the moon’s gravity and the sun’s gravity. Even though the sun is much more massive and therefore has stronger overall gravity than the moon, the moon is closer to the earth so that its gravitational gradient is stronger than that of the sun.

What is the moon’s role in causing tides quizlet?

The pull of the moon’s gravity on Earth’s water causes tidal bulges to form on the side closest to the moon and farthest from the moon. In the place where there are tidal bulges, high tide occurs along coastline. In the places between the bulges low tide occurs.

Why are tides higher at full moon?

Around each new moon and full moon, the sun, Earth, and moon arrange themselves more or less along a line in space. Then the pull on the tides increases, because the gravity of the sun reinforces the moon’s gravity. Thus, at new moon or full moon, the tide’s range is at its maximum.

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Does the moon really affect tides?

The moon is a major influence on the Earth’s tides, but the sun also generates considerable tidal forces. Solar tides are about half as large as lunar tides and are expressed as a variation of lunar tidal patterns, not as a separate set of tides.

Does the moon cause tides?

While the moon and sun cause tides on our planet, the gravitational pull of these celestial bodies does not dictate when high or low tides occur. Tides originate in the ocean and progress toward the coastlines, where they appear as the regular rise and fall of the sea surface.