
Why does Smeagol not wear the Ring?

Why does Smeagol not wear the Ring?

Gollum would have understood that he could not keep the ring and that Sauron would be coming immediately to take it by force. He could not use the ring to protect himself from Sauron, nor could he withhold it from Sauron come in person to claim it, which he would do immediately.

Why did the one Ring not affect Bilbo?

That knowing would alter how Frodo would use the ring – whether he willed it or not. Additionally, Bilbo never sought to DESTROY the ring, thus the Ring had no reason to protect itself from Bilbo and therefore had less of a grip on him.

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What happened to Smeagol when he put on the Ring?

Gollum was a Stoor Hobbit of the River-folk who lived near the Gladden Fields. Gollum finally seized the Ring from Frodo Baggins at the Cracks of Doom in Mount Doom in Mordor, but he fell into the fires of the volcano, where both he and the Ring were destroyed.

Why did Gollum have to die with the ring?

It was very apt that Gollum died with the ring as he probably wouldn’t have survived its destruction. The reason Gollum continued to live despite the Ring being absent from his possession for so many years was because after nearly 500 years of having it, the One Ring had transformed him entirely into something else.

What happened to Bilbo after he lost the ring?

Since neither Gollum nor Bilbo appear to age significantly after losing the Ring, despite their already extended ages, that’s a reasonable assumption. Bilbo had deteriorated significantly by the time he left Middle Earth, which concurs with this conclusion. The Ring had been destroyed by then so any legacy effect it had on him would have ended.

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What happened to Gandalf after he lost the One Ring?

More than likely his life simply picked up where it left off before he was exposed to the One Ring. Hobbits are known for a longer lifespan than Humans, so likely after he lost the Ring, his normal lifespan continued until he died at Mount Doom. To use Occam’s Razor: The simplest answer is best.

How long did Lord of the Rings have the ring?

He appeared to be an old, deformed, and twisted creature. According to this list, he had the Ring for 478 years. His loss of the Ring and the events of The Lord of the Rings are separated by around 77 years.