
Why does no one get pregnant at Hogwarts?

Why does no one get pregnant at Hogwarts?

If a witch can’t or won’t get an abortion, then they would have to give birth to the child. Hogwarts doesn’t seem to have any infrastructure to handle young children, so the witch would have to either send the baby home to be raised by her parents, or drop out of school.

Did anyone ever get pregnant at Hogwarts?

Harry and Ginny Potter with their three children: James Sirius, Albus Severus, and Lily Luna Ginny Potter became pregnant with her and Harry Potter’s first child, James Sirius, after the Second Wizarding War and sometime in or around 2004.

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How old are you in your 7th year of Hogwarts?

seventeen to eighteen years of
A student in their seventh year at Hogwarts was called a seventh-year (with a hyphen). Seventh-year students were usually seventeen to eighteen years of age.

Was Harry Potter an unplanned child?

Harry Potter was probably unplanned, in the sense that Lily and James were both involved with fighting in the war and didn’t think about actually having a kid so soon after getting married. However, the two wouldn’t have gotten married because they were going to have a baby.

Why can’t you have kids in Hogwarts?

Simple. One of the spells that exists over all of Hogwarts and the Grounds (along with anti-apparation, anti-disapparation, and protective charms) is a contraceptive charm. The teenagers who will be getting up to naughty things can’t have kids in Hogwarts; neither can married Professors, since they have too much to do.

How old do you have to be to go to Hogwarts?

You must be eleven to enter your first year at Hogwarts, so some students, (for example, if you were born in December, 1979) would turn twelve during first year. This would be the Wizarding equivalent of sixth grade.

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What does Harry Potter say to congratulate tonks on her pregnancy?

Harry Potter: “Congratulations.”. — Lupin announces Tonks’ pregnancy. Pregnancy, also known as gravidity or gestation is the condition of having one or more unborn offspring developing inside the uterus. A multiple pregnancy involves more than one offspring, such as with twins.

What does multiple pregnancy mean in Harry Potter?

— Lupin announces Tonks’ pregnancy [src] Pregnancy, also known as gravidity or gestation is the condition of having one or more unborn offspring developing inside the uterus. A multiple pregnancy involves more than one offspring, such as with twins.